Three, Ashton's Words

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"And deep down inside, somewhere hiding behind your rights and morals... Lemme guess Luke, you want this dick" Ashton whispered to me while the radio host was interviewing us. I had told Ashton so many times I hated when he did that, because once the microphone picked him up, and I had to explain why Ashton had told me he wanted me in the new panties he bought me. I passed it off as they were American apparel underwear and of course the crowd loved it. But it was a close call.

I have spent many interviews staring at Ashton, either preying to god he doesn't slip up or just admiring him in his entirety. But this interview, I was more concerned on keeping my beanie on my head and keeping my eyes away from Ashton who was basically sitting on my lap on the seat they had given us. We all had our own microphones and I had to constantly cover mine so Ashton couldn't say 'dick' into it.

I turned over to Michael who looked rather jealous and upset, and Calum just looked pissed I decided to sit between Ashton and Michael and not him. They were all like children fighting over one cookie. Ashton always took the bigger bite of the cookie first...

"Right Luke?" I heard the interviewer - a girl, blonde haired working for ET Canada - said. My thoughts had covered my mind and I really had no idea what she was talking about. I didn't even know the basis of her question. She sighed in annoyance, but smiled again after.

"What is your favourite song off the Canadian version of the new album?" She repeated the question, this I knew the answer too.

"I would have to say 18, I really enjoyed coming up with that song and just generally making it" I answered. Truth be told, I liked 18 because it reminded me of Ashton and our little bit of an age gap. Before when I was 17, 18 was my go to song. I wanted to get with Ashton oh so badly, but I couldn't just yet. So I just waited... Until I was 18.

"And Ashton what's your favourite?"

"Luke" Ashton said with no hesitation obviously speaking before he thought. That's when I stared at him. Actually that's when everyone stared at him.

"Luke? There's no song on the album called Luke..." The interviewer said very unsure of herself and Ashton. Ashton shook his head, now realizing what he had said out loud.

"I mean... Lu-ong, as in... Long way home" Ashton said, he started blushing and I could feel his body heat rise up against my chest as he basically say on my lap. He giggled.

"I might have just said Luke because he's like right here" Ashton tired to cover it up, trying to cover up what he just said. Calum tapped Michael on the shoulder and whispered something to him. They weren't taking it.

"Long? Luke and long sound completely different" Calum snickered. No, god no they were going to make a big deal over it because Calum is fucking stupid and is mad because he's not sitting beside me.

"Yeah, Ashton, what do you got in your mind?" Michael said. Ashton looked outraged, very outraged.

"Tall, blonde hair, blue eyes..." Calum whispered into the microphone. Ashton was beat red, and I felt so embarrassed. Calum was being the biggest douche ever right now.

"Aha, you guys are funny" Ashton said angrily, leaning over me to look at Calum and Michael. The interviewer looked like she was nervous, knowing she just stumbled onto a touchy subject. I poked Ashton in the side to remind him this was live T.V, and he sat back down. The interviewer cleared her throat.

"Ok, umm... Moving along" she said talking about something else, a sigh of relief escaped my mouth. I looked at Calum, and he narrowed his eyebrows at me, mouthing one thing.

"You're so mine"

After the interview was over, I was making my way to back stage where the rest of the band was getting there stuff to leave. As soon as I was about to go in, someone grabbed both my hands and started yanking me to the bathroom. I knew exactly who this was.

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