Thirteen, Ashton's Playing Hide And Seek

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One Mississippi
Two Mississippi
Three Mississippi
Five Mississippi
Six Mississippi
Seven Mississippi,
Ashton can't find his whore.

I could hear Ashton calling my name from a ways away. But I knew he was there still, and I knew he was looking for me. It was like a game of hide and seek, except in this one if you get caught, your done for. If you get caught you go right back to that bus, right back to the pain and the constant sadness everyday all the time in your face. All the time.

Eight Mississippi,
Nine Mississippi,
Ten Mississippi,
When I die I know I'm not going to heaven
Twelve Mississippi,
Thirteen Mississippi,
Fourteen Mississippi,
Because I am the worst boy you have ever seen.

Ready or not, here I come.

"Luke please, I know your in there" Ashton's voice sounded from just outside the trees and field where I was sitting, my breathing low but my heart rate high. So fucking high. It was a miracle he wasn't hearing my heart pound against my chest like this.

"Luke please" Ashton said, but again, I didn't say anything back, I didn't want to get caught. Don't get caught Luke, don't make a noise Luke...

"Luke c'mon please? I love you" don't listen to him Luke, stay quiet Luke and he doesn't love you Luke... Keep it shut Luke.

"Luke I just... Fuck Luke" ashton said in a more whiny then before, I heard him fall to the ground, the grass rustling under his bare shoulders and arms. I turned my head and I saw him, laying on the ground, pulling the grass out and throwing it in the air, screaming and crying like a little kid.

"Luke! Luke don't leave me! Don't fucking leave me I need you! I need you way to fucking much! You better get your ass over here! Get your sweet ass over here now! Right fucking now Luke.." He screamed and cried and pulled out more grass. I was wondering if I should reveal myself, but then again, he was just going to bring me back to that over crowed, hot with tension bus. So I stayed still.

"Luke I'm not going to make you come out but... Luke babe I need you, fuck I need you. Please come out" Ashton cried. I couldn't take it anymore, so I stood up. I began walking towards Ashton, until my feet were right beside his shoulder. I cleared my throat and he stopped crying, his eyes slowly looking up at me.

"Luke. We don't have to go back to the bus," he said, I crouched down beside him and let out a sigh.

"Yeah we do, where else will we go?" I asked, Ashton sat up and grabbed a hold of my hand, I pulled him up to his feet and he kissed me on the mouth. I didn't kiss back, I was still mad. He pulled off and held my hands.

"We could run away, just like I said that one day. We could be gone from the drama and the pain. It could be just us two" Ashton said, I let go of his hands and pushed him away.

"No. I don't think I want it to be just us. Not after what you did to me" I said, Ashton chased me back, and tried to grab a hold of my hands again but I tucked them in my pockets.

"Luke I love you. And if you don't run away with me I'm going to have a melt down" ashton said, I reached out and grabbed his arms.

"Seriously, go for it. Have a melt down, but unlike you I have now come to my senses and am going back to the bus" I said, taking deep breaths in between words. I was scared of the bus, but that was the only safe option at the moment. I'd rather be in my bunk then half naked in a field in the middle of the night.

"Luke no, we have to leave! I want to run off with you!" Ashton yelled as I dragged him towards the bus.

"No Ashton, I'm not playing hide and seek anymore. It's time to grow up - both of us - and get back on the bus and get over this nightmare instead of just trying to find ways around it." I explained, ashton was still resistant.

"Ashton! We are literally worth a lot of money and you want to go wandering around the fucking forest half naked in the middle of the night? Someone is going to kill us - so were going back to the bus" I said. It took a while to get Ashton back to the bus, and once we got there the bus driver yelled at us for a while about how we couldn't just run off and how the bus is not for fist fighting and something about how we had to stop and it knocked off an hour of our drive. Then after that, we were back on the road.

Michael was already sleeping in his bunk, along with Calum. Me and Ashton didn't talk the entire ride to the next city we were stopping in. No, Ashton just sobbed and cried in his bunk which sadly was right above mine. Occasionally his hand would push on the curtain of my bunk and he would whine. I would smack his hand away, causing him to whine more and cry and sob... It was bad I didn't really care.

About an hour later, we arrived at a hotel. This one with four free rooms. The room arrangement went like this; me and Ashton, Michael, Calum and Louis, Harry and Niall, and Zayn and Liam. It was really to bad that me and ashton were sharing rooms, but I wasn't about to argue. Since Michael had been awake he looked like he was going to kill me.

As we got to our hotel room, Ashton took up crying again while I started to make a mental list of pros and cons about where my life was at the moment.

On one hand, running away would get me in a lot more trouble then I was now, not to mention the high risk of us getting cause because we were celebrities. If I ran away Ashton would have to come, and I wasn't about ready to forgive him for making me a living sex toy. But if I stayed, then I may not even live to see tomorrow's concert, Michael might kill me as soon as the sun rises. And they won't stop treating me like a bitch, it would just continue and continue...

I turned my head and saw the time, it was 3:24 in the morning, and I still wasn't sleeping. I heard Ashton snoring a bit, he must have finally cried himself to sleep. So I was left awake by thoughts and decisions. That's when I made a decision, and I made this in about ten seconds.

I got up from my bed, and tip toed over to the bathroom, grabbing my suit case as I walked inside and closed the door. I turned on the light and opened up my suitcase, putting on a pair of nocking pants and a hoodie, pulling the hood over my hair and most of my face. I looked in the mirror, trying to make sure you couldn't really see my face. I took our a pair of sun glasses and put them in my pocket just in case I needed them later.

I closed up my suit case and made sure I packed everything in there, including my debit care which I would use right away to get a load of money out so that the boys couldn't track me every time I used a machine. I then walked out of the bathroom, shutting off the light and noticing that Ashton was still asleep, maybe more so then before.

I carefully moved over to the small desk area in our room and took out a pad of paper and a pen. I began to write.

Dear whoever it may concern,
By the time you read this, me and Ashton will be gone. That means we quit, were out, don't come looking for us because were done, well at least I am. Sorry, looks like you guys won't have a bitch anymore.
Love, Luke Hemmings.

I left the note on the table and pushed my pen in my back pocket. I walked over to Ashton slowly, my suit case in my hand and I tapped him on the shoulder. He woke up instantly, turning to me and looking at me in confusion, I sighed.

"You have five minutes to pack your stuff. Meet me in the lobby"

A/N I drew that pic of Luke do u like it?

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