Fifteen, Ashton's Phone Is Ringing

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"Fuck," I moaned, as Ashton pounded into me. Yeah, we were fucking again. We had just gotten off the bus, we were in a little motel room, near the train station. We had been on three different buses that night, and now we needed to wait until the morning so I could take out more money, since Ashton left is bank card at the bank.

The bus rides consisted of me being half asleep and Ashton crying into my shoulder, his eyes burning with tears and his lips sliding onto mine to plant sleepy kisses against my lips, hands intertwined. I fell asleep on the last bus, with Ashton's arm linked to mine. Regardless of what Ashton did, it was in the past. And the past was behind us, and the present was happening and if didn't worry about the future. As long as Ashton was it in.

Once we got to this motel, I was about done with being mad at Ashton. I didn't want to be mad at him anymore, and him saying the 30 sorry's just gave me a reason to not be mad at him. Thank god, I don't think I could have taken it any longer.

So, when we got our room, it was time to forgive. It didn't take long for us to kiss our way to being naked and Ashton laying on top of me, my hands gripping bed sheets and his gripping my hips.

"Oh my god- I swear, make up sex is better then break up sex" Ashton huffed as he continued, I went to go reply but sadly I was a moaning mess and I could barley process words. Like Ashton was fucking me stupid.

"We never had break up sex" I struggled over simple words, having a hard time saying 'we' and 'up' and barely saying 'break' properly.

Ashton was fucking me stupid.

"Who cares, this is better, because I know you love me" Ashton said onto my lips, a loud moan escaped my otherwise inaudible voice, and I couldn't take it anymore. I came, then Ashton did, and we both fell back onto the bed, gasping for breath.

"Fucking shit" Ashton said, I said nothing, silently trying to collect myself and stabilize my uneven breathing pattern. That was possibly the best sex I had ever had in my life, probably because it meant I was back with Ashton.

"Luke," Ashton spoke, I turned to him, trying to say 'yes' but failing and just letting out a mumble of sounds. He laughed and then turned to look at me, his hazel, almost Amber eyes staring deep into mine.

"Let's get married" he said, very direct and very calmly. I blinked twice, my mind all coming back together and my breath almost stopping.

"What?!?" I said threw clenched teeth. Ashton giggled and grabbed my hands and linked them with his.

"I'm serious I think we should get married" Ashton said. I almost had a heart attack and felt like shouting out 'you have gotta be kidding' but I just didn't say anything. Yes I will eventually marry Ashton, but not now.

"I am 18" I said finally, feeling it was the less insulting of the few things I could have said. Ashton looked at me as if I was stupid.

"Wait did you think I meant now?" He asked, I felt a sheer rush of relief fly threw my body and I smiled so glad he didn't mean now.

"Yeah I did for a moment," I said, laughing. Ashton shook his head and laughed, looking at the ceiling.

"No, in the future, just sometime in the future" he said, I smiled and nodded, squeezing my arm tighter around his.

"In the future? I'd be happy to call myself Luke Irwin" I said.

"Or perhaps Ashton Hemmings" Ashton said.

"Or Ashton Hemwin" he said hesitantly. I make a fake puking noise and shook my head.

"Hemwin sounds like a bird of a sickness. I just got diagnosed with Hemwin syndrome" I made fun of Ashton's remark, him knowing it was stupid as well. We laid there in the bed, arms linked for a long time, and soon I could feel my eyes closing. It was almost 7 in the morning and exhaustion was getting to me finally rendering me weak to the soft pleasure of sleep.

That is until the most annoying music tone came blasting from Ashton's side of the bed.

Oh god, he kept his fucking cell phone on him.

"Ashton?!? Is that your cell?!" I screamed, sitting up and breaking the link of our arms, he sat up to, looking over to the nightstand and grabbing his phone off of if.

"It's Michael" he said, and then went to answer it. I smacked his hand and the phone fell onto the bed.

"What do you think your doing?!" I yelled, because this time he really has to be kidding me. He shrugged, the phone still ringing it's default ringtone.

"It's Michael we should pick it up" he said, finally the phone stopped ringing.

"Are you insane?! When you run away you get rid of your phone. I smashed mine before I ran off Into the woods so no one could call me and track me down. That is how you run away!" I yelled, and the phone started ringing again. I grabbed it before Ashton could and noticed that instead of Michael, it was Louis. I hesitated, I probably should pick this one up.

"Hello?" I said as I raised the phone to my ear, Ashton looked angry and as if I was sending mixed messages.

"Hey, it's Michael I'm using Louis' phone and-" as soon as I heard 'it's Michael' and ignored anything else he had to say. As soon as I put the phone down it rang again. And it was Louis' number again.

"Just pick up the damn phone Luke" Ashton demanded, so I did. And this time I didn't say anything and waited for them to say something.

"Luke? Luke it's Louis" oh thank god.

"Hello?" I said, actually happy it was his voice. He seemed to make things better, or at least try to make things better.

"Luke where are you? And is Ashton there too?" He said, I had to come up with a different sentence about three times before I actually said one threw the phone.

"I'm with Ashton, but we can't tell you where we are. We quit, we've run off" I said, Louis didn't say anything on the other end of the phone, I just heard someone whispering to him.

"Is Michael whispering to you?!" I yelled, Louis started to protest, but I was done. Michael was pushing it.

"Yeah well whatever, nice job assholes you've lost us" I said and hung up the phone. I dropped it on the floor and raised my foot over it, but Ashton shoved me and I stumbled onto my ass.

"What did you do that for?! They can track us with the phone we need to smash it!" I said, trying to stand up again.

"No!" Ashton yelled in a voice that made me stop in my tracks. He leaned down and picked up the phone, holding it in his hand and quickly grabbing sweat pants and pulling them on.

"I'm going to go place it outside, In a trash can or something. That way, they will be looking around her while were long gone" he said. What a brilliant plan. Perhaps I have underestimated Ashton and what he was capable of doing. I stood up, nodded and walking towards him, running my fingers down his toned chest. I went down to his sweat pants and grabbed a hold of the string, tying it tight.

"Hurry back yeah?" I said, placing a small kiss on his forehead. After all these years and I was taller them him. He nodded and then walked outside, opening the door and then closing it behind him.

I was sort of glad that me and Ashton had run off together, because at least now we had some alone time, some time to think about the future and everything...

And I started to ponder about the wedding idea again...

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