Twenty-One, Ashton's Calling The Cops

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"Who are you calling?"


"What will you tell them?"

"We need to talk"

A pay phone. A pay phone out side of Disney land, because forget cell phones, forget hotels. We were at a dead end and now what? What exactly was there left to do.

That was it, right? It's all over now, right? No. Not right. Because now Michael wasn't getting away with this, and now my voice would be heard. And now someone will finally do something about it all.

"Yes hi, it's Ashton Irwin from five seconds of summer you may know me and my band mates Luke, Michael and Calum. Well we need to start a case for a restraining order from Luke against Michael because of several reasons we would rather like to talk about in person" Ashton said threw the phone, I heard voices on the other line but I couldn't pick them out. I looks down at the ground and kicked a rock as hard as I could across the gravel parking lot and I felt tears yet again.

"I am calling on Luke's behalf because he is emotionally destroyed" Ashton answered to the person on the phone. I just took shaky breaths trying so hard not to cry again.

"No I am legally his husband now so I can call on his behalf" Ashton argued back onto the phone, and I looked around and saw Calum and Michael slowly walking up to us both and looking around trying to find us.

"Shit Ashton there right there" I managed out, Ashton clenched the phone tighter and interrupted the person on the other line.

"Hey listen! Luke has been basically rapped by Michael and calum for the past year and a bit and now there going to get away with it because there looking for an exit; are you going to help or not?!" Ashton yelled into the phone. I thought he blew it right there and then until he smiled and said.

"Thank you, were at Disney land, main entrance" and then hung up the phone. By the time he hung up the phone, Michael and Calum were already walking over to us and giving the dirty looks. I didn't have enough energy to deal with this. At all.

"What are you guys still doing here?! Come back for more?!" Michael said, shoving me a bit. I went to go shove him back when Ashton came out of no where and punched him in the face. Michael stumbled back and held his nose in his hands, blood gushing from his nose, pouring out into his hands and dripping down his pale skin and his lips. Calum then swooped in and he pulled a shiny object out from his pocket.

It was a knife. He walked over to me and suddenly everything went in slow motion. I tried to run away, screaming Ashton's name as I turned and Calum came running to me with the knife tip pointed out to me. I remember screaming and crying for Ashton to hold me, when all of a sudden the rigid object was pushed threw my side.

I heard the skin near my hip rip open and I looked down and saw the red blood pooling on my shirt and around the cut. Calum took his hand off the knife and screamed as he noticed that it actually stabbed into me. I swung my hands around he knife handle slowly in disbelief until the pain started to get worse and I fell onto the ground.

And the last thing I remember was Ashton screaming so loud and tears exploding from his green eyes as he ran up to me and screamed louder then anything on the world. Then I heard sirens and then everything went black.

This must have been then end.


I would get fragments. A yell in Ashton's voice, a beep from a heart monitor perhaps... The questions of a detective... I didn't really come back to the world until a while later, where I opened my eyes and saw Ashton sleeping in the hospital bed beside me and I noticed my surroundings.

Ashton - of course - along with a heart monitor, and IV planted in my arm, a lot of bandage on my side and a bunch of questions burning in my mind. Not that I forgot what happened, but, really, what had happened?

"Ashton..." I mumbled against his curly hair, Ashton opened his eyes completely and so suddenly it scared me and a huge smile spread across his face as he heard my voice.

"Oh my god Luke! Your awake!" Ashton said and kissed me on the cheek. I winced a bit because he accidentally put his knee on my side where I was stabbed and he pulled off right away and bit his finger.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" he said and sat back down in his spot beside me. I took a deep breath and tried to collect myself.

"You seem to be saying 'oh my god' a lot" I smiled at him, he was a legitimate ball of sunshine right now because I had woke up and it made me feel like a million bucks.

"I could be saying 'oh my goodness gracianious' but then you would have to call me Joey" Ashton laughed, I laughed back at him.

"Sorry you will never be Joey Graceffa" I said jokingly and Ashton frowned jokingly. We both laughed for a bit until the tension grew to strong and I think we both knew what was coming.

"What happened? Not like, the stabbing, but after that?" I asked, Ashton bit on the top of his index finger once again.

"Do you want the good news or the bad news?" Ashton asked, I closed my eyes and lifted my arms up running my hands down my face.

"There's bad news?" I asked, Ashton's mouth didn't move from his finger as he chomped down on the tip and nodded slowly.

"The good news first, please" I asked, Ashton seemed to let of a relieved breath, and then took his finger out from between his teeth.

"The restraining order went threw, you just need to clarify some things but Michael agreed and just went along with it, but I have a feeling the only reason he did that was because of the bad news..." Ashton said, and his finger tip went back into his mouth and between his white teeth and soft pink lips.

"Is the bad news really that bad?" I asked, Ashton didn't say a word, just slightly and slowly nodded continuing to chew his finger. I sighed loudly not in the mood to hear bad news but I kind of needed to know what it was.

"Ok. What's the bad news?" I asked, and it took a while. The room was filled with only deep breaths from Ashton threw his teeth and the beeping of the heart monitor. Ashton looked at the wall, and then back at me, finger still in his mouth like a little child as he uttered the bad news.

"Calum went to jail for attempted murder"

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