Sixteen, Ashton's Too Cute

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"Ok where do you want to go?" I asked ashton, we were standing In front of the map of where the trains could take you, trying to figure out where it was we wanted to go. Ashton, just couldn't decided, and after about ten minutes of him staring at the map, I had a new approach.

"Ok where do you want us to get married?" I asked, and this question came way quicker then the pervious one I was asking.

"Disneyworld. In Florida" he said, I tried to hard not to let out a loud awe because that is probably the cutest thing I have ever heard Ashton say and the fact that he answered it automatically just made it more cute how he already thought about this.

I could just picture us, at the end of the aisle, holding hands, about to say our I do's while in black suits and Micky mouse ears. Perfect.

"Ok, we can take a train to the airport in Toronto-" I pointed to the location on the map "-and then from the airport fly to Florida and have out wedding" I said, Ashton turned to me and widened his eyes.

"Did you say you wanted to wait?"
He asked, and that was true, before I realized that Ashton is and always will be my soul mate.

"Had some time to think yesterday and changed my mind. Is that alright?" I said, feeling a little upset because maybe Ashton wasn't ready for this. Ashton grabbed my hands and kissed me on the lips while placing his feet on my shoes to boost himself up.

"It's perfect. Absolutely perfect" Ashton said, smiling. There, now we had a goal. I gripped his hand and pulled him towards the ticket counter. I pulled my hood on my head a bit more, pushing my sunglasses on, just trying to hide my appearance from the ticket girl who was waiting for people to come and badger her for deals on tickets and which train goes where when there was a map right beside the counter.

"Hello" I said trying to sound normal, pulling a American accent just to top off the hiding aspect of things.

"Hi, how may I help you?" The girl asked, barely even looking at me, just chewing her gum and filing some papers.

"Two tickets to Toronto, that's all" I asked, she nodded and typed something in on the computer, then turned around and got the tickets out of a drawer.

"That comes to $124.75- and oh my god your Luke Hemmings" she yelled, dropping the tickets onto the desk and fanning her face with her hands.

"I-I-I-" she was stuttering and looking at me as if I was fake. I took my sunglasses off and cursed under my breath.

"I will sign what ever you want I will do what ever you want just please give us the tickets and don't tell anyone we were here" I said, the girl covered her mouth with her hands and nodded, only opening her hands to say one word.

"Picture" she said and the quickly searched for her phone. I loved fans, I loved them so much. But I really wasn't in the mood. But for her sake and mine, I posed for the picture, and then followed her on twitter. After about ten minutes she finally let me pay for the tickets and then have them to me.

Like I said, I loved fans, loved them to pieces, but I was just not really in a mood to have a meet and greet, especially because me and Ashton were no longer in the band. The train came pretty quickly, and we were only waiting for about ten minutes, and in those ten minutes I told Ashton about my image of us getting married in Mickey Mouse ears, he loved the idea so much, and we agreed on it.

The wedding would have to be just us, and no family or friends sadly, because we were on the run, but perhaps in a couple years when things get sorted out we can get remarried with friends and family. But I didn't want to think about the future, not when the present was so good right now.

So the train chugged on and I rested my head on Ashton's shoulder, cuddling into him as we sat in our small green seats, here the soft patter of rain on the window and the road of the engine as the whistle sounded and the train took off. I looked out the window, in silence most of the ride, only bothering Ashton to point out the amazing graffiti on the streets and blank walls.

"It's really a shame that that stuff is illegal. It makes everything look so beautiful, and real" ashton said, talking about the graffiti on the wall out the window.

"It's a shame that those people who do that never really get recognition for there talents, only really there street name comes up, and it's usually on a police report" I spoke, Ashton nodded, hugging onto me just a bit tighter.

"I liked what you said though, about how the graffiti is a sense of reality? I think that maybe..." I trailed off, I wasn't the one usually saying lovey Dovey stuff, but when I saw Ashton turn is head, and those golden eyes look down at me, I decided it was time to be lovey Dovey for once.

"I think that maybe you are the graffiti that I drew out and you are my sense of reality. You remind me that we are only human and we make mistakes, but what makes us even more human is being able to learn and grow from the mistakes" I said, and all Ashton did was smile and look at me with his eyes.

The eyes. I didn't even know where to start. They looked like glass with a yellow topaz pushed into the middle and then a sparkling black diamond crushed into the center of the topaz with pure gold sprinkled all over them with beautiful yellow sparkles roaming around where ever they please just waiting be be enhanced by the light of hope and joy behind the glass, topaz and diamond of these glorious eyes that seemed to make everything better.

I was lucky, is all. Lucky that ashton decided to stay with me. Even lucky that Ashton came up with the whole idea of me being the bands bitch because if he didn't come up with that idea, who's to say things could be completely different?

"Ashton?" I asked, he hummed out a sound asking me 'what?'

"Can you sing to me? I want to hear your voice, I want you to sooth me to sleep" I said, Ashton gulped, as if he was nervous. We were the only ones in this train cart so he shouldn't be nervous.

"Want anything specific?" He asked, I shook my head and closed my eyes, snuggling into him more.

"Make it up as you go along" I said softly.

"Be my reality" I said. Ashton took a breath, and held me close to him. It took a few seconds but soon he began humming out a tune.

"You think I saved you,
But you saved me.
You think I'm honest,
You think I'm reality.
You believe in wishes,
Upon shining stars,
But the only stars I see,
Are here with me, yeah.
You believe in once upon a time,
I believe that with you I'll be fine,
Oh I, I, believe that you wish upon stars, you see?
But the only stars I see are here with me yeah.
You are the star I wish upon,
You are the only reason that the sun,
Rises. Rises... Oh yeah.
You are the wish that I wished for,
You are everything I dream for,
You are my only open door,
And what for? Oh, oh...
You think I saved you,
But you saved me.
You think I'm honest,
You think I'm reality.
You believe in wishes,
Upon shining stars,
But the only stars I see,
Are sitting right beside me.
You are the only thing I wish for,
I am, trapped inside the web you weave,
You are my wish upon that star and,
I hope that you will never ever leave...
Because the only stars I see,
Are laying right here, in my arms, beside me..."

Ashton sung so softly, so beautifully that his tune it soothed me right to sleep, on his arms, were I was safe.

And for once in my life I felt like everything was perfect.

Until I heard the annoying tone of Ashton's phone.

A/N I am sorry for end notes! You all must think I'm super annoying! But I just wanted to say a couple things. First off wow 2.1k!!?! I love you guys. Secondly, that picture I made entirely, I drew it and added the words. Third, this song I used in here I also made entirely, I basically made it up as I went along, so lemme know if you like it. And lastly, THE AMAs DOE.

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