Eleven, Ashton's An Asshole

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"W-what?" I questioned, looking at Calum in disbelief.

"Yup. Your sweet little Ashton came up with everything. Yeah maybe the blow jobs were my idea but the fooling around - that was all Ashton - he told me to be the first one to do it because he was to scared, so I did, and then he told Michael he also needed to do it, to contribute and now look where it's got us! Ashton is your problem!" Calum yelled, Ashton jumped up, dropping the blanket that was covering him and attacked Calum, shoving him to the ground.

"Fuck right off Calum!" Ashton yelled at him, as he started punching him. I crawled across the room and over to my clothes, being able to get my boxers on and my lose tank top. I then rushed to the two of them fighting, and I broke it apart.

"Shut up! Both of you!" I screamed, they both listened and stop, I was able to let go of them. I turned to Ashton and gave him a sad look.

"Is that true? Was it all your fault?" I asked, feeling betrayed and used more then usual. Ashton didn't say anything, just looked at the ground. I felt a tear in my eye, and then it fell, down down and to my face, sliding down my cheek and under my tank top, onto my chest until it slowly disappeared in my clothing.

"Your an asshole" I said, and then stormed off, into the bathroom, locking the door and hearing Ashton knocking on it hard.

"Luke! Luke listen to me!" He yelled, but I couldn't hear him with all the crying I was doing right then and there.

"Luke I just... I don't know just forgive me" Ashton said, still pounding on the door. I curled up I front of the door, sitting my back to the dark brown wood. Ashton continued banging on it for a while, until he finally stopped and all I heard from him were sobs.

"Baby I'm so sorry" he said, his back was to the other side of the door, I could tell by the way his voice came in. I didn't say anything, just cried. I was so sad and so upset, I didn't want this to be true, but it was.

"Forgive me please?" Ashton pleaded, I cried. Just cried, and ignored him. I had to be sitting there for about an hour until I stopped crying, I knew Ashton was still on the other side of the door because I didn't hear him leave, and I would hear an occasional cry or sob. I began humming, humming and humming to pass the time until he left, humming so much I found myself singing a tune, singing and singing, words. A song I had heard that reminded me of Ashton.

"Tell me something I need to know
Then take my breath and never let it go
If you just let me invade your space
I'll take the pleasure, take it with the pain..." Ashton must have heard me singing, because he started to sing the next part before I could get to it.

"And if in the moment I bite my lip
Baby, in the moment, you'll know this is
Something bigger than us and beyond bliss
Give me a reason to believe it..." And now I started the next part before Ashton, but Ashton joined it quickly after, we were both singing now.

"'Cause if you want to keep me, you gotta gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder
And if you really need me, you gotta gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder
Gotta love me harder
Love me, love me, love me
Harder, harder, harder" ashton then took the next part, and I let him do it.

"I know your motives and you know mine
The ones that love me, I tend to leave behind
If you know about me and choose to stay
Then take this pleasure and take it with the pain..." Then I joined in, stealing the next part from him as he did to me before.

"And if in the moment you bite your lip
When I get you moaning you know it's real
Can you feel the pressure between your hips?
I'll make it feel like the first time" and then both of us.

"'Cause if you want to keep me, you gotta gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder
And if you really need me, you gotta gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder
Love me, love me, love me
Harder, harder, harder
Love me, love me, love me
Harder, harder, harder"

"So what would I do if I can't figure it out?" Ashton sung

"You got to try, try, try again" I sung back

"So what would I do if I can't figure it out?" Ashton sung again.

"I'm gonna leave, leave, leave again" I answered in tune. Then we were both singing the chorus again.

"'Cause if you want to keep me, you gotta gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder
And if you really need me, you gotta gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder
'Cause if you want to keep me, you gotta gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder
And if you really need me, you gotta gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder
Love me, love me, love me
Harder, harder, harder
Love me, love me, love me
Harder, harder, harder..." The singing stopped then, and all that was left was Ashton's crying from the other side of the door.

"Luke please come back, I need you back" he said. I didn't say anything back, just closed my eyes, leaned on the door and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up on the bathroom floor, sitting there with blood shot eyes from crying so much. Ashton wasn't on the other side of the door, I could tell, because I couldn't feel his weight. I sat up straight, stretching and realizing my back hurt, and then I heard a knock on the door.

"Luke, we have an interview today and a show remember? Just, try to pull yourself together till the days out" it was Louis' voice, and for some reason it was really soothing to hear. I stood up, wiping my eyes and looking in the mirror fixing my hair.

"I'll be out in a second, thank you Louis" I said, and I heard him walk away and prepared myself to face not only Ashton - but Michael, Calum, all the 1D boys, a bunch of fans and interviewers.

The day went quickly, I got out of the bathroom, cleaned up, grabbed sunglasses to hide my blood shot eyes and tear stained cheeks. The interview felt like a blur, I don't remember what anyone said and I barely even talked. I may have said one thing out of the whole time we were there, and I'm pretty sure it was the word 'yeah'. After that it was our concert.

We opened for one direction as we always did on this tour, we chatted with the fans - Ashton and Michael mostly - and once the show was done, we were given a choice. Stay back stage or get on the bus. I chose what ever Ashton didn't choose, so that left me alone on the bus with nothing but my thoughts to keep me company.

I didn't talk to Ashton at all today, but in fact I didn't want to. All this time I thought he was the good guy, the one to save me. Hell, I even told him he saved my life when he stopped me from killing myself. Now I knew that he only stopped me from doing that so he had a fuck buddy.

I decided to just curl up in the back of the bus and listen to music, just until the boys came in and we got back on the road. I plopped in my head phones and pressed shuffle on my phone. The first song that came up was love me harder, the song that me and Ashton were singing yesterday. I felt the tears again, and, slowly I became a giant pile of sadness, tears, tears, and more tears.

Tell me something I need to know,
Then take my breath and, never let it go...

A/N Sorry this was short...

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