Twenty, Ashton's Favourite

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I was crying. An absolute crying mess. I was at Disney world and I was a literal pile of pity and tears. I was sitting on the curb of the road out side of the park in complete sorrow and my hands covered my eyes and my shoulders rested on my legs.

But perhaps I should start at the beginning.

While standing at the alter, Ashton's hands in mine as the Chaplin speaks... Well whatever he is saying. I look into Ashton's eyes and just as I am about to say I do-

"Luke and Ashton! This has gone way to far do you hear me?!?" A yell, a shriek - the voice of sheer evil and horror - I knew at this very moment we were dead. Because I knew exactly who that voice was coming from.

Michael Gordon Clifford.

"You go the fuck away Michael!" Ashton turned and yelled at him, then turned back to me and tugged on my shirt.

"Quickly quickly say I do! Say it!" Ashton yelled at me. Michael began running over and Ashton was screaming louder. My mind was going a mile a minute until I turned to Ashton and quickly spit out;

"I DO! I DO!" And Ashton kissed me, and we were married. But then got tackled by Michael, and the person wedding us had run off. Michael was sitting on my waist and now punching me hard in the stomach. My hearing went all fuzzy and I couldn't see all to well.

I saw a fist in front of my face and then suddenly, all of Michael's weight was pulled off of me. I stopped and turned, to see Ashton had saved me. I sat up, holding my dizzy head in my right hand as I did and I looked over at Ashton. I gather up my strength and stood, stumbling over to Michael when I spotted the rest of them, running over to us as fast as they possibly could.

"MICHAEL STOP WE TOLD YOU TO WAIT!" Louis yelled from far back as he ran forward. Everyone was here. Everyone came to crash the wedding. And they all came running over.

What followed was a sight worth seeing - a brawl of boys in there early 20's and late teens all rolling around on the ground, clawing and kicking, punching and yelling, every profanity that you could think of being thrown out and tossed all over as Michael and Calum tried to beat up Ashton and the rest tried to pry there hands off of Ashton, but, Michael and Calum were hanging onto Ashton with a dying vengeance that could only be describe as jealously; that's when I screamed above all of there insulting voice.

"HEY LOSERS! SHUT THE HELL UP A MOMENT!" I screamed as loud as I could, and slowly, one by one, they all stopped and turned towards me. I took a deep breath and continued to stand my ground.

"If anyone says a word I will personally sew their mouths closed, so I just suggest you all shut up and listen closely" I said, causing everyone to shut up and look at me. I was the center of attention now, and I had a shit load of things to say.

"Now. First things first," I said moving over to Louis and pointing at him.

"How the fuck did you find us?" I asked, Louis stammered for a moment but then recollected himself and took a deep breath.

"Tracked Ashton's phone as long as we could, also we found his debit card at the bank. Realized you would have your card, tracked it here" Louis said. I crossed my arms.

"So a lot of hard work to find people who ran away because they wanted to b alone? Congratulations your an idiot." I said, moving along the line towards Niall. I didn't even have a question for him.

"Just when I thought you had my back. Congratulations your an idiot." I said, moving down to Harry, Liam and zayn who I talked to all at once.

"You all helped try and find toe people who wanted to be alone. Congratulations your idiots" i spit, and now, down to calum.

"You have pissed me off one to many times. You are on my black list for life. You make a big deal over finding me and Ashton and I know why. Has nothing to do with our well being no - just that I'm not around to fuck so you need me back. Well guess what? Congratulations your an idiot" I said, Calum hissed slightly threw clenched teeth but I ignored him. And finally I walked down to Michael.

"And Michael. You-"

"Lemme guess congratulations your an idiot?" He said and something inside me snapped at that moment and what happened next I was not fully aware of. I tackled Michael to the ground and began to beat the shit out of him.

"YOU NEED TO SHUT THE HELL UP BECAUSE YOU ARE PUSHING MY LIMITS!" I screamed, Michael went to punch back but instead I grabbed both his arms and smashed them down on the dirt and grass from the outside ground.

"You are the worst possible thing that has ever happened to me. First off all you told me to leave the band once you found my tumblr and now that I left you come running for me because you can't except the fact that Ashton is my favourite and I am Ashton's favourite! You can not get that threw that fucking dense ass skull of yours so you came down here and then what? Caused a bunch of shit at my wedding?! You can screw right off!" I screamed, Michael shoved me and I almost fell backwards but I stood up instead, and so did Michael. And then I slapped him right across the face.

"If you take another step I'm going to... I'm going to..."

"Going to what?!" Michael yelled and took a step closer to me. I pushed him as hard as I could and he fell backwards.

"Get a restraining order! I'M GETTING A RESTRAINING ORDER ON YOU" I screamed at Michael, he eyes widened and he didn't look so cocky anymore. Suddenly, a couple of security guards came rushing up to us and I got a bit worried. Then I realized we were fighting at a children's park.

"Gentleman I'm going to have to ask you to leave the park due to the violent behavior" the one guard spoke I nodded to him and looked down at Michael.

"Thanks for ruining my wedding, I am getting that order" I said and stomped over to Ashton, kissing him softly on the cheek.

"I am so sorry about this baby, I am so sorry" I said, grabbing his hand and walking back to the front gates with my head in his shoulder.

"I just want to be your favourite" I cried. Ashton wrapped his arms around me as we walked out of the exit.

"But baby you are my favourite and I love you so much. What just happened was not your fault" Ashton smiled to me as we walked out of the park and went to go sit on the curb together, just to recollect ourselves. I turned my head slightly around while sitting on the cold ground and I saw the rest of our group that I didn't want to talk to right now but they were coming this way.

"Luke, I'll go talk to them, you stay here" Ashton said, as he stood up and walked off. And this is where I was, crying on the ground into my hands because my one chance at romance and a good relationship was just flushed down the drain in about an hour. And now what? They had found us - mission abort - there's no point in hiding anymore because they all had found us and ruined our happiness.

Ashton came back about five minutes after he left, and he wasn't facing me and seemed to be rubbing his cheek. I placed my hand on his leg.

"Ashton what's wrong?" I asked, and when he turned I saw a huge red hand mark across his face and I covered my mouth with my hands.

"Luke you better get that restraining order against Michael or so help me god I will kill him."

A/N happy holidays everyone I hope you enjoyed Christmas today (if that's what you celebrate) if not I hope you enjoyed doing what ever you did today! Thanks for 3k! And that song I attached to the chapter literally describes this story. Anyways xoxo love you all!

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