Fourteen, Ashton's Sorry

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"I can't believe you agreed to it" Ashton said as we walked down the cold dark street outside of the hotel. There was a rush of adrenalin running threw me, knowing I was doing something undoubtingly bad. Was this really how my life would be now? On the run? With Ashton Irwin?

"I didn't even agree to it, we can turn around right this fucking instant" I said harshly to Ashton, his smirk disappeared on his face and he just tugged on his backpack he had decided to bring instead of a suit case. I had a suit case, the wheels were rolling on the sidewalk as we went down the street, I could feel every bump, rock or ditch in the ground.

"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" Ashton grumbled, I was about to punch him, about to smoke him on right in the goddamn mouth. But I didn't, just decided to be a smart ass, because I knew that was his weakness.

"30 times" I answered, he didn't say anything after that, just walked down the street with his head down. I had a pocket knife in my hand, just incase someone was talking shit, or wanted to rob us. We were walking over to the nearest bank, so I could take out as much money as I could carry and then we could leave.

Where were we going? I had no fucking idea.

"I'm sorry" Ashton said, and I mentally marked that as one. He said it one time. I was waiting for 30, as if he would even get there. 29 left...

"We need a bank machine pronto, do you know where There is one?" I asked Ashton, he paused and thought, hiking his backpack higher on his shoulders.

"I believe there is one down a couple more blocks, but I'm not sure. I'm sorry" Ashton said, I made another mental note. 28 more...

"Once we get to the bank machine, we both need to take out as much money as we can fit in out bags, got it?" I said, Ashton nodded, not going in for another sorry. Down the street we trailed along, the knife still in my clenched fist. It was so dark, so cold...

"What time is it?" I asked, Ashton pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and clicked it on.

"3:30, I'm sorry" he said. 27 more. I rolled my eyes, I couldn't believe how late it was. The street was empty, no one was on it accept a drunk about two blocks down and across the street. We walked along a path of buildings, stores and companies. The quiet streets would have been peaceful, if it wasn't 3:30 in the morning and I wasn't with mine on again off again boyfriend in the pitch black, only the light of a few street laps to guide me, and a pocket knife in my fist in fear we might get mobbed or robbed. Or both.

A mob rob...

"Luke? The bank is here I believe, but I don't think it's open... I'm sorry" Ashton said, 26 more times. We approached a small building with class doors and a sign on the door that stated it was open 24 hours. I turned to Ashton and pointed at the sign, he huffed and hunched his shoulders.

"I'm sorry" he said as I opened the door. 25 more times. I walked into the small area where the bank tellers were, the costumer service was obviously closed. I walked up to the teller and pulled my hood more over my head, because who knew? Maybe they could get security footage.

"Got your debit card?" I asked, Ashton nodded and then took his backpack off, searching for his card, until he mistakenly dropped it on the floor.

"Whoops," he said, picking it up, "I'm sorry" he added. 24 more times. I started to actually use the debit machine, taking out as much money as I could.

My current balance was almost over one hundred thousand dollars, but there was a limit of how much I could take out a day. I could only take out five hundred at a time, so that's what I did, planning on staying in town just to take another five hundred out at this same place tomorrow, giving me a thousand. And if Ashton did the same, we would have two thousand in total.

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