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You saw a man in his 20s sitting on an office chair scribbling something on a paper. Suddenly, you knew who he was and you wanted to run away. You wanted to fall on your knees in front of hoseok begging, grabbing his legs in the process and scream on the top of your lungs to take you away from the man sitting across the room.

You wanted to bury yourself deep into the ground not wanting him to find out who you were. But this let you to no avail as hoseok pushed you deeper into the room and shut the door behind killing your last hope. It seemed like he didn't pay any attention and kept scribbling something on his notepad. The room was filled with a sweet and sexy smell of musk, smoke wood and mint. You knew where this scent was coming from. It was directing towards him.

The scene in front of you was way too pleasuring. The man just sat on his chair looking down on, working on something, the collarbones and veins on his neck full on display as his delicate yet could choke you with your permission hands glided soft and smoothly on the page. The faint sound of the scribbling with his bracelets clinking with each other could be echoed with each curve of his pencil. By now the afternoon had turned into evening. And the only light in the room was coming from the scarlet rays falling into the room through the full glass windows behind his table which illuminated and beautified his face even more. You just wanted to stand there and drool over his face and physic and tell him how beautiful he looked.

The train of thoughts is broken by his sweet, soft yet playful voice echoing through the room. "Are you gonna just stand there?" he asked with a small smile plastered on his face. The man didn't even budge to look up and was still scribbling on the paper. He fired you with another question. "So what brings you here hmm?"

"I-I had a final interview over here with Mr. Jung b-but he told me to-to come over here." You nervously rubbed your palms together.

"Oh so you are the interview girl!"
He suddenly stood up lifting his head for the first time and making an eye contact with you. A smirk gradually crept to his devilishly handsome face. He started advancing with slow and steady steps with the same smirk. The man stepped closer and spoke in a raspy tone, lowering himself to your height. "So we meet again Ms. Kim y/n." He said cockily making sure that his hot breath falls on my neck sending shivers down your spine. You curled your toes and caught your dress involuntarily. He then moved away.

Your eyes started getting wider realizing that you had cursed, knocked over, tried to hide away with a stupid folder, spilled coffee on the CEO of the company you were gonna work for. "Let me just die." You muttered.

He raised his hand forward for a handshake. "Hello y/n, I am Jeon Jungkook, the CEO of this industry." You shakily put your hand forward to meet his.

"Good evening" You gave him a weak smile. He ordered you to sit down in the chair in front of him and did the same on the opposite side of the table. "So!" he continued "This is your first job application, isn't it?"

"Yes sir." You replied with my mind still giddy with his scent.

He went on reading your profile carefully sparing a glance or two at me in between. You were nervous, way too nervous and started shifting and rubbing your hands constantly feeling your throat had throat dried up. You felt like you could pass out any second.

Suddenly he perked up and handed you the file back.

"You can join in 2 days from now."


"Aren't you going to ask me anything?"


"Well thanks." You posted a small smile on the face and shakily exited the office.

"I appreciate if you would stop jumping down the floors though." He snickered from behind.

You nodded with your back still facing him.

He silently chuckled.


"Aish!!!! My first day at work!!!!" He had told you to come on the 20th floor. You exited your hotel and took the bus to work.

The office receptionist handed out your ID. Thanking her you reached the floor she just told. There were many employees working. On entering all eyes were on you and you felt that you were being watched carefully.

Hearing your name been called you turned towards the direction of the sound.

Jungkook was suddenly an inch away from you.

"Shit!!!" You muttered

He got one step away. "Hello y/n welcome to the Jeon Industries. Please follow me."

You entered the lift and he pressed the 21st floor.

"So y/n. Are you ready to be my assistant?"


"Am I-I your assistant?" You asked him with my eyes wide open.

"Didn't hoseok tell you anything about the job? You are my personal assistant,y/n."

You were only finding a job in marketing and never applied for PA in the first place.....

He grinned showing off his wide doe eyes and his bunny teeth.
Stepping out of the lift, he directed you towards his office. As he opened the door he stopped in his tracks causing you to bang your nose on his hard broad back.

You felt dizzy......

He quickly turned around and muttered a sorry smiling sheepishly and telling you to step in first.

The man started to explain to you everything about your job and his company.

Jungkook then showed you your work space which was right besides his office.

"You can go further and take a tour of the company I'll be in my office if you need me. Also, If you want to modify anything in your workplace you can do it, no need to ask me." He smiled and left to his cabin.

You were kinda flustered?

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