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Workload was increasing day by day and you had to remain by his side continuously.

But why should you complain?

You would never have gotten a chance to observe such astonishing work of art so closely.

When Jungkook has his meetings and appointments he completely acts professional. He manages the people working under him so efficiently. People could follow his orders without hesitation. No doubt he was successful in whatever he did.

But when he was with you, his personality would shift completely. Although he used to give you a lot of work, he would always entertain and encourage you with his antics.

He would be all childish around you.

But sometimes he would be sexy as hell.

You were working in your office when you heard something brushing against your neck. Looking up, you saw Jungkook just a few centimetres besides you, peeping into my work.

You screamed the most unwomanly which sounded like a mix of cow mooing and horse neighing before skirted away involuntarily on the chair.

And, you accidentally smacked his face.

But the chair banged on the table and brought you directly in front of his face with your noses brushing very closely. A cool scent of mint and chocolate evaded your senses as soon as his lips brushed against yours.

You both jerked behind causing chair to shift again and bang the table roughly. But he caught it chair in time before you kick him and knock him down again.

The man was now trapping you in the chair with his hands either side on the chair handle.

You sucked your breath in. He looked so delicious up this close. You could smell him and hear the sound of him licking his lips.

This was too intense. He looked in your eyes and then at your lips before turning away quickly and respectfully giving you your space.

"Why did you scream?" He asked.

"You startled me!"

"I was just looking at what were you focusing on so intently."

"Well you should have knocked the door!"

"I did! 5 times. I even called out your name when I opened the door and peeped inside."

"Oh, well I must be too engrossed then."

"So, did you finish your work?" He causally asked.

"Just a bit of the weekly report is left and I have to plan your schedule for the next week."

"Okay. I just wanted to ask you if you were up for the company celebration this Saturday."

" Yeah, I'll come definitely sir." Did he just come to ask you that?

"I'm glad to hear that." He gave you a cute smile and left you to tend your needs.


It was 7:30 in the evening when you switched off your laptop. Jungkook hadn't summoned you for the whole day. Somehow, you feeling sad. Could see employees continuously entering his cabin.

Switching off the lights, you exited your cabin. The office hours were from 8am to 7pm. So obviously, there was no one in the office and the lights were switched off. Being winter, it was completely dark outside.

You suddenly heard a hoarse voice whispering darkly in your ear, It's hot breath tickling on my neck.

"Hey y/n."

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