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Jungkook walked in the bedroom to see you sprawled up on the bed with your limbs sticking out weirdly. He chuckled and climbed next to you pecking your cheek. "Wake up princess. It's evening now." You huff and curl yourself in a ball. He sighed and took the blanket off you. You gasped and quickly cover yourself. Due to your weird positions, your outfit had slid up till your chest revealing everything.

"Would you stop pulling the blanket off suddenly?" You hiss and pull your outfit more down. "I've been trying to wake you up for the last 15 minutes sleepyhead. Thank me that I didn't kick you off the bed like you do when I don't get up."

"You do that and I'll kick you in the balls."

He chuckled. "I like what I saw though." He winked. "I gained a bit of weight."

"Don't even think of dieting, I like you bouncy. You can exercise instead."

" I can't resist 2 things in the world." He looked up. "And what could that be?" You grin and hover above him pecking his nose. "One is my favourite food."

"And the second one?" He asks expectantly. "And laying on the bed 24/7." He huffed and looked away heart broken at your answer. You laughed. "There's also a third thing." He looks at you again grinning. You whisper in his ear. "Free WiFi." His face fell into a cute frown as he pushed you away and got up. "Don't talk to me. I'm mad." You play innocent. "Why are you mad?" He huffed and glared at you. You laugh and pull him down. "But above all, there's one thing that for which I would give up all these things."

"You." You said and pecked his forehead. He grinned and scrunched his nose cutely making you chuckle. You kissed him all over his face. "My baby bunny" You nuzzle in his neck kissing him again. "Why do you smell like a baby today?"

"I used Johnson's and Johnsons baby lotion." You smile and peck him again. "Keep on using. Your skin got a lot softer like a baby." He giggled. "Aish!! I want to eat you up!" You left light kisses on his neck and shoulder with your hands running on his sides. "I lub you." He said.

"I lub you too" he giggled again as you pressed his cheeks making him look like a goldfish. "How the fuck did I get so lucky?" You carresed his soft hair.

"Jung- Yes I'm ready for live porn." You groan and look at hoseok who barged in suddenly. "We were just cuddling." Jungkook said and got up with you on his lap. "Really?" A second figure popped up. "Yes Tae" you say and open the door fully to real 2 other boys cutely peeking in. You laugh. "Why are all of you outside the door?"

"We were going for a swim. You said you wanted to go to the pool right?" Namjoon asked. You nod. "I'll just change quick." They left you both with jimin jumping on namjoon's back whining for a piggy back ride.

"What are you going to wear?" You shrug. "I don't know how to swim so I don't have a swimsuit." He chuckled. "You don't know how to swim?" You narrowed your eyes. "Don't laugh. I never went in waters as a kid because I feared I would drown just like in the river." He stopped and hugged you. "Are you still afraid?"

"No, not anymore. I overcame it. But I don't know how to swim."

"I'll teach you." He pecked your nose.

So you wore a simple jersey top which Jungkook gave you and some Nike shorts.

"Have you ever been in a pool before?" He asked you as you both near the pool. " Yes I have but always on the edge holding on something. I didn't go deeper."

He jumped in the water and told you to take the metal stairs. You slowly go in holding onto his hands while others carelessly jumped in screaming and splashing around. Jin and jimin trick namjoon and then held his hands and legs to swing him in the water. He yelped as water splashed on his back. Jin laughed jumping along with him.

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