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Kicks' POV

I walked down the street with my paper bag in slung over my shoulder. I had gotten better and was back at work. After hearing Davey's letter, the boys and I wanted to try and write a letter back. So, I was meeting all of the boys after work at Katherine's office so she could help us write a reply. I walked through the doors and through the mostly empty building. I climbed up the stairs and up to Katherine's office. I opened the door and saw the boys crowded around Kathrine's desk and around her office.

"Hi everyone!" I called. "Sorry I'm late! I had to run an important errand." I explained. I reached into my bag and pulled out a box. I placed it on the desk and opened it, revealing some sweet rolls. The boys cheered and attacked the box. I backed up and hugged Crutchie.

"How did you get enough money for this?" he asked.

"Just what I made today." I shrugged. Crutchie frowned.

"You don't need to spend your money on us." I smiled.

"I did it because you guys should be able to eat something good once in a while." I explained.

"Thanks Kicks!" the boys called. I smiled and made a little bow.

"We should probably start writing." I started, walking behind Katherine, who was sitting at the desk. Kathrine cracked her knuckles and put a piece of paper in the typewriter.

"How do you want to start it?" Katherine asked.

"Start it with 'Hi Davey'!" Race called. Katherine nodded and typed it.

"Then put, ' We're all surprised that you haven't forgotten us yet!'" Jojo called. We laughed and Katherine typed it, shaking her head.

"Say 'We miss you and hope you come back soon.'" I added. The room got quiet and I looked around. "What?!" I asked. "It's true, isn't it?!"

"Ooh! Tell him that he needs to bring me an orange!"  Specs said. "He promised to bring me one and I'm gonna hold him to it!" We laughed and Katherine typed it out.

"Alright! It looks about done!" Katherine said, pulling it out of the typewriter. "Do you guys want to sign it?" She asked. I wrote mine and I looked at the boys.

"Don't any of you want to sign the letter?" I wondered.

"Most of us never learned to write and those of us who did learn forgot how." Race said. My heart sank.

"How about this," I started. "I'll sign your names for you and when we get home, I'll teach you all how to write." I suggested. The boys nodded excitedly and I started to write their names on the paper. I handed the finished note to Katherine. "Can you please mail this for us?" I asked. She nodded and me and the boys walked out of the office. As we walked back home, I jogged up to Crutchie. "I think this is the first time in a while we've all walked together." I said.

"I think you're right." Crutchie said. He looked up and smiled. "Look how clear it is tonight!" I looked up and smiled. We got to the Lodging House and everyone started to drift off to sleep.

"Hey. What about learning to write?" I asked.

"We're tired, kid." Specs said. "We've been walking all day." 

"We'll do it tomorrow, Kicks." Race mumbled, falling asleep.

"Fine. But as soon as everyone's shift, we're getting right to it, alright?" I said. No one answered. "Alright?" I said a bit louder. I heard some mumbles and groaning. I chuckled and climbed up to my room. I climbed into bed and fell asleep. I had a big day ahead of me.

(A/N: Hey guys! I'm sorry my publishing has been so inconsistent! But the good news is that I'm on vacation and that I'm going to have more time to write! Thanks for reading!)

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