Before You Can't Anymore

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Staring at them, I couldn't be more dumbfounded. Emerging from my room to get something to eat, I was greeted by ten boys sleeping against the walls of the main hall dirtied and completely out. I couldn't help the giggles that came out from my mouth when I thought about ten giant men, built with their full-grown dragon builds and personalities of men to get down on their knees and hands to fix my decorations I had spent six days trying to finish. It really was their fault for fighting amongst one another to prove to each other who was stronger, the outcome destroying all my hard work.

Ten pairs of eyes landed on me staring at me both equally embarrassed and guilty. I knew for a fact the most guilty of the ten was definitely Necator, Sajnpane, Zynajo and Cazimorin who always ended up starting the fights. Necator being the oldest obviously felt even more guilty because I'm the youngest.

Two pair of twins stood up first seeing as they were the ones that babied me the most. The older twins were Xevitro and Lesitro and the younger twins are Aqunir and Psagnir. I was engulfed by giant men. It warmed my heart knowing that my brothers fixed the messed they made without me having to do it all over again.

"We're sorry," Ezekiel being the most emotional of the ten told me making me wrap my arms around him too.

"You know I love you guys no matter what happens!" I laughed whole heartedly, I really couldn't help it. "Thank you, all of you!"

"Anything for our princess!" Xevitro and Lesitro both shouted even though we were all within twelve feet of one another.

"What were you decorating for anyways?" Maroune crossed his arms over his chest standing beside Sajnpane and Cazimorin.

"Just for fun!" I smiled as the boys all turned to me clearly annoyed. "Thanks for fixing up though, should we through a party while we're at it!?"

"You little-" Necator grabbed me throwing me in the air before wrapped me up with the paper on the walls.

"You didn't ask!"

When the playful mood ended it was replaced by the intimidating presence of our father. He is not as kind as our mother and it sometimes makes me wonder why they were ever paired together.

When summoned by our father, we stand from youngest to oldest going from left to right. From my father's point of view it goes oldest to youngest going left to right. From his view it goes Necator, Sajnpane, Zynajo, Xevitro, Lesitro, Ezekiel, Aqunir, Psagnir, Maroune, Cazimorin and then finally me. It makes our father pleased so we do it. Our mother doesn't like being near our father at any given time and tries to avoid him as much as possible. Our father is an evil man and we all know it.

The boys all stood straight, hands behind their backs and with authority of a royal dragon. I, on the other hand, just stand straight with my hands by my side. My ash gray hair was loosely around my shoulders. The boys all are very protective, until Necator is handed the crown, they will put up with our father's demands.

"Report to me," he spoke.

"We claimed the Southern lands," Zynajo answered with absolutely no emotion in his voice.

"Where was Eshayngia while this was happening?" He stood making me turn to my brothers worried.

"She was-"

"I went with them," I answered protecting my brothers from his wrath. "Sir." I looked away from his eyes a bit scared.

"Who was talking to you?" Our father turned his attention to me. "You may have my affection but what audacity has you speaking when not spoken to."

"Sorry, sir." I met his gaze again and before he could slap me across the face a familiar woman caught his hand.

"I have warned you not to touch my daughter," she was no woman to be taken lightly. "She was with me, she and I stayed within the castle walls to assure our safety." Our mother nodded to my brothers who all looked extremely relieved.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2015 ⏰

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