Chapter 2: Home Sweet HYDRA  

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When Alivana woke up, she found it hard to move. She tried to sit up but something wouldn't let her move her wrists or her ankles. There were these weird things on her wrists and ankles. She wondered aloud, "Where am I?" Then the panic washed over her, "Mama? Papa?" She began to thrash around trying to free herself. The door opened and Alivana froze.

The same man who had taken here was there. She put on as much of an angry look that a five year old could, "I want to go home!" Pierce shook her head at her antics, "Don't you get it, this is your home now!" Alivana shook her head, "No! I want Mama and Papa!" Pierce rolled his eyes, "If you know what's good for you, you'll shut up!" Alivana pulled at her restraints, being the stubborn five year old she was.

Piece got fed up, pulling out a blade now. Alivana froze in fear. Pierce smiled, "See, that's better. You are going to be quiet. If I hear one word out of your mouth, I am going to hurt you. Understand?" Alivana nodded, quickly shutting herself up.

And this continued for days. Alivana was scared, she wanted to go home! She wanted her Mama and Papa! Were they looking for her? She wanted to cry, she wanted to scream. But she didn't want the man to hurt her. She remained there, scared and uncomfortable for days. She had to stay quiet. But she didn't want to be quiet.

The next day when Alivana woke up, Pierce was opening the door. With a big scary needle in his hand. Alivana began to panic, shaking. She pleaded, "No needle!" Pierce gave her a look, "What did I say about being quiet?" Alivana quickly apologized, "I'm sorry." Pierce corrected, "I'm sorry sir." Alivana nodded, "I'm sorry sir." Why did this man want her to call him sir?

Pierce strode over to her grabbing her right arm, stilling her. "You are not going to fight me. You are going to stay quiet." Alivana shook her head whispering, "Please? I'll be quiet, I promise! I'm sorry!" Pierce tsked, "You need to learn." He slammed the needle into her arm, pushing the serum inside her. Alivana felt the liquid enter her, and surge through her veins. It didn't feel good at all. It hurt a lot. Her tiny form seized, shaking as something rolled through her body. The feeling could only be described as white hot, unlike the purification HYDRA had meant.

The white hot feeling made its way through Alivana's red tresses, leaving permanent white at the tips of her cherry colored hair. The white hot feeling hurt. The white hot feeling burned. Alivana cried out trying to get the pain off of her.

She did her best to muffle her whimpers as the pain rolled through her. After some point she gave up, screaming and crying as the pain only increased. Pierce shook his head out of false sympathy, "You really don't learn. Don't worry, this will teach you."

When Alivana woke up the next morning, she felt cold. So unbearably cold. What was the white stuff in her hair? Her beautiful red hair had white in her hair? Why? What did the needle do? She did not want anymore needles. Ever. If Mama and Papa found out, they would have killed Pierce.

She tried to move but the restraints were too strong. Tears pricked her eyes. She was so confused, so scared, so cold. She wanted to go home. What did Pierce want from her? She was just a five year old kid! What could he want from her?

A little while later Pierce walked back in. He asked, "Were you quiet?" Alivana nodded not daring to speak. Pierce spoke, "Good." He pulled out a blade, and inspected Alivana's arm. He thrusted the blade in, and Alivana didn't try to silence her screams. Pierce ignored her, dragging the blade across her entire right arm, ripping the skin mercilessly. Alivana cried out, "Why?" Pierce merely replied, "Because." He left the pained girl tied up as he shut the door.

And this continued for days. He would come and cut her. Alivana began to shake every time she heard the door open. She began to dread Pierce. Where was her Mama and Papa?

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