Chapter 17: Spies in Disguise

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A/N: short chapter but a longggg one is coming next. I will try to get to writing this sooner and posting at least 2x a month cause every week is hard ngl.

A blonde haired woman walked through the hallways of the SHIELD headquarters, that also doubled as a helicarrier, depending on who you asked. She walked with class, as her heels click-clacked, creating small echoing sounds. It didn’t matter though, she was just one person amongst a world-class organization filled with spies on criminal and vigilante ranks. 

The flat voice of an agent, but really Director Maria Hill echoed against her eardrums as the woman approached her, “Agent Springrose, Director Pierce wishes to speak to you.”

The woman nodded as she slipped on a fake smile, “I’ll be there ma’am.”

She entered the elevator, but not before noticing her very target, Alivana Francis Romanoff-Barton entered the facility with her parents, the famous Hawkeye and Black Widow. Hopefully the brat didn’t make such a big deal about our last encounter, the woman thought, and walked faster just in case. 

The elevator doors shut softly behind her as technology overpowered gravity, pulling the double-crossing woman up to the more private SHIELD floors. Once the contraption reached the floor number that matched the button she had pressed, the glass frame slowly came to a stop as a voice automatically chimed, “Floor 48.”

She stepped outside, scanning her fingerprint as she entered Director Pierce’s office. He was seated at his desk, and made a gesture for her to sit down. She complied, awaiting for him to direct her next steps in the fall of SHIELD. 

Pierce spoke sharply, “What were you thinking Springrose? Speaking to the child like that? That gained the attention of Fury, the last thing we need is exactly that!”

The blonde, Springrose as she scoffed as she crossed a panted leg over the other, “not my fault that the kid is a damn brat. I could’ve taken her then and there. Why compromise everything? I could’ve taken her, and SHIELD could’ve been done.”

Pierce adjusted the cuffing on his wrists, “Agent Springrose, are you questioning your superior officer? I can always assign someone else on the task who will promise me success.”

Realizing that she had overstepped, Agent Springrose dipped her head down as she apologized, “I’m sorry sir, of course not.”

“Good”, said Pierce as he leaned back into the plush of his seat. “Have patience Agent Springrose. Right now, the Black Widow and Hawkeye are highly on their guard, as they have just gotten the child back. Let them fall into a sense of assured safety, and once their guard is let down, our true colors will be able to show. Await your next commands agent, you are missed. If we provoke investigation too early, they will find out our truly colors before project Insight can be released.”

Agent Springrose nodded as she stood. She spoke firmly before exiting the office, “Hail HYDRA.”

Alexander Pierce nodded, “Hail HYDRA.” 

So, what are your theories as to what's going to happen? I'm planning some changes from my original, ones that will root Alivana more deeply and set her foundation for avengers I which will be the next book in the misfits series.

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