Chapter 14: SHIELD

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Alivana reluctantly woke up to the sound of her mother talking on the phone. She immediately disregarded it, letting her papa’s hand that was stroking her hair lure her back to sleep. She knew her papa was awake by her mother’s flat yet urgent speaking who reassured groggily, “It’s alright, go back to sleep baby.”

Alivana didn’t vocally reply but let her eyes flutter close again. 

Not even ten minutes later, her eyes popped back open. She lifted her gaze to her mother who sheepishly apologized, “Sorry, go back to sleep, you’re okay.”

The next time she fell back asleep, she didn’t wake up until a few hours later. Her mother was getting dressed in her suit and Clint groaned sleepily, “A mission now? On a Saturday?”

“Relax,” humored Natasha, “Fury just needs me and Maria to go. You two can rest up. But Fury still needs you to clock in later. Alright?” She continued as she walked back to the bed, planting a kiss on her daughter and husband on their cheek respectively, “You two be good, okay? Alivana makes sure you’re papa stays out of trouble, alright?”

Alivana giggled as she mocked a salute, “Yes mama!”

Clint mocked offense, “Nat, I feel betrayed.”

She chuckled as she zipped up a small bag, “But you’re adorable when you feel betrayed. I’ll be back hopefully by tomorrow morning, okay? Do show up for work today, I do not need Fury on my ass-tail, sorry Alivana, while I’m kicking ass. Okay?”

Clint chuckled as he mocked a salute, “Yes babe.”

Alivana mimicked disgust, “Ew Papa, ew.”

Clint laughed as he ran a hand through her hair, “Bye babe, love you, babe, stay safe and kick tail babe!”

Alivana gave her father a look, “Papa!”

In a similar tone, Clint mimicked, “Alivana!” He wrapped his arms around his daughter and pulled her back to the bed, “Let’s get back to sleep till Fury needs us and is about to call mama.”

Alivana smiled as she tucked her neck against the crook of her father’s neck and returned back to slumber. This time, it wasn’t as pleasant as the time before. 

What wakes her up isn’t the rough sound of chatter, but the increasing coldness that surrounded her small form, making herself harden and wake in an uncomfortable state. After getting shot after shot of some form of serum, her head has been pounding and the rest of her hurt all over. 

She blinked, biting her chapped lips at the cold burning against her soft yet broken skin. 

Someone recognizes that she is awake and spat, “Get up!” The same person, Alivana assumed dragged her in an upright position, letting the metal bite into the soft skin at her wrists. Realizing that Alivana cannot just get up, he grabs her wrists harshly and releases them, before dragging her onto the floor.

Ouch, the four-year-old thought, that hurt. Why do these people keep on hurting me?

The man sneered down at her, “Stand up straight you stupid girl.”

Despite her back hurting her, Alivana complied. 

“See, that’s a good brat.” The man sneered out of annoyance, “The Madame is coming, and you will dance, are we clear?”

Trembling, the four-year-old just managed to shake her head, “No more dancing, please, she’s so mean to me.” Alivana liked the dancing, it made her feet create interesting patterns, but she loathed Madame B. The Madame was cold and calculating and bland, she’d strike Alivana for doing the simplest of things wrong and ensured that their time together was a living hell. 

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