Chapter 6: A New Type of Fun

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Natasha sat pressed at the edge of her seat in the skintight catsuit, an array of weapons hanging from her utility belt. Her red locks were loose, draping just over the shoulders. "Fury? Did you find the next base?" Fury nodded, ignoring the steel in her voice, "Yes. Sources indicate alive beings there." This could be it, this could be where my baby is. I'm coming for you my little Alivana. I named you after the concept of life, I know you will live through this, I know you can.

She sat up sharply announcing, "I'm going to get Barton." Fury cocked a brow, "Married for eight years and you still call him Barton?" Natasha threw over her shoulder, "At least I'm married." Fury gave her a glare as she got her team ready.

She found her husband in his usual spot, the sparring room. He had a determined look on his face, and threw punches in to the plush, imagining as if this were a real target. This would be his usual way of taking out his anger, his sadness, his fear. Natasha spoke just barely a whisper, "They think they might have found her." Natasha couldn't say Alivana, if she did she would break out into sobs. Clint stopped his assault on the punching bag and stiffly nodded as he got his stuff. His voice was low and empty but wavered with hope, "We'll find her Nat." It sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than anyone else. But Natasha understood all too well. So she nodded and put on another fake smile.

The two waited in the jet, eager to storm the base but careful not to get their hopes up too high. Fury reported through the comms, "Scans indicate many prisoners. Eyes up, and stay sharp." Natasha nodded even though he couldn't see it, "Copied and clear." Her fingers were latched onto the arrow necklace that Clint had gotten her. The agent who was piloting reported, "Landing in three, you two ready?" Clint nodded with his voice gruff, "Yeah. Let's go."

The two dropped to the ground and immediately launched themselves at agents. It was almost too easy. All Natasha had to was kick out the knee and they were already on the floor. Either she was too good at this, or they were just really bad at their job. Maybe both. Natasha followed Clint who shot every agent in sight. Natasha pressed her comm, "Where did you say you were getting the human readings from?" Agent Maria Hill replied, "East wing, down the stairs." Natasha replied, "Copy that."

When they stormed the cells, they found five children dead. Clint felt sick, each time he looked at them, he imagined his own daughter dead at his feet. Clint reported shakily, "Hill? The readings? They're dead." Natasha raised a hand to her mouth feeling completely horrified. What if her daughter was in the same state, lying on a floor bleeding out to her death?

The ride home was silent. Neither Clinton nor Natasha made a sound, and if it was, it was a hiccup from crying.

That night, neither of them slept. Every time their eyes flickered, they saw the gruesome, horrible sight of their daughter dead at their feet.  


Alivana flinched as the Soldier slapped her harshly across the face. It stung and it made her skin ache and swell. The Madame tsked harshly with her tall and intimidating heels. The Madame sneered, "You stupid girl! You cannot do a simple thing right! An utter failure! How I would love to toy with you and put an end to all this misery. But Pierce wants you alive. You should be grateful you mewling quim." She sharply backhanded the seven-year-old child, sending her crashing into the floor.

The Soldier ordered after the Madame left the room, "Get up." Alivana tried to but her entire body was aching and bleeding. The Soldier didn't take that as an answer. He grabbed her by the neck and forced her on to her feet. Her knees buckled and she tried to grab something but the Soldier only pushed her down once more. He pulled out a switchblade indicating what he would do if she would not comply. He ordered in his cold and foreign accent, "Get up."

Alivana quickly scrambled to her feet.

It had been four years now. She gave up. Her mother and her papa weren't going to come for her. She understood now. She was all alone, and she was most definitely going to die here. The Soldier ordered her once more, "Stance. Position." Despite the burning protest from the ballet slippers, Alivana complied. The Soldier ordered, "Try to lunge out and take me down." Alivana knew she didn't have a choice. Either way she was going to get beat. She threw her fist out and within mere seconds the Soldier had flipped her over and slammed her back down onto the cold metal floor and knocked the breath out of her. Alivana heaved for oxygen and the Soldier was crushing her. She weakly protested, "Stop" but the Soldier kept his grip on the child. He spoke, "Weak. Pathetic." He jutted the blade into her abdomen, watching the blood trickle out of her dirty clothes. He got up and slammed the door shut.

Alivana felt the tears come the second the Soldier left the room. It hurt so much. She didn't try to get up, her body wouldn't keep up at her mind's pace. She remained on the floor unconscious with blood seeping out of her chest.

When she woke, she was once again strapped to the metal table. She didn't understand why they kept cuffing her, it's not like she could escape if she even tried. She kept her eyes closed, hopefully, they would leave her alone.

And for some strange reason, they did.

The next day, however, was a much different story.

Something sharp entered her thigh. Alivana quickly opened her eyes. Pierce smiled and Alivana felt sick. "Now that you are awake, let's begin today's activities. Madame said you were a bad girl. Now we have to punish you."

This time, the Soldier manhandled her, carrying the child to a different room. The room had a strange contraption, a chair with something right over the head. Pierce ordered, "Set her down there Soldier. Just as how you usually do." The Soldier seemed a bit hesitant and for once looked as if he didn't want to. Pierce waited patiently, "Soldier, put her down." This time the Soldier put her down. He stood by the door, looking somewhat scared and almost sorry. Pierce fastened her wrists and ankles with rope, ensuring that she wouldn't be able to escape.

He then brought the helmet resembling thing down on her head and fastened the strap under her chin. She waited for an explanation, some sort of reasoning why this man wanted to inflict a different kind of pain. What more had she done wrong? She listened. Not as if she had a choice.

And the man explained.

"I've decided to have a different type of fun with you." Fun. Who was it fun for?

Pierce smiled showing his perfectly white teeth, "And I want to hear you scream." He secured the helmet over the redhead and crankled the lever, sending jolts of electricity through her. Alivana flinched as the electricity coursed through her veins. It stung. It wasn't something that stung her on her physical exterior, but it stung in her insides. And Pierce kept cranking the lever, watching. Hours passed that seemed more like an eternity and all Alivana could do was to take the beating.

After the fifth hour, the poor child collapsed and was dragged back to her cell.

A/N: Hello! Who's still reading this? Sorry about the long update, I've been studying for exams and graduation is next month and I'm just really stressed.

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