Chapter 18: feelin' like a runaway right at home (but i'm all alone

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“Alright Alivana, here’s the drill okay? You’re going to try and dodge my attacks, okay? Just dodging, and then we can work on fighting back.”

“Okay mama,” said Alivana unsurely. She tugged on her sweater’s pink sleeves as she asked, “It’s not going to hurt right?”

Natasha shook her head, lip twitching that Alivana was worried about someone hurting her when she was safe from everything now. She dismissed her worries, putting them far away from her mind as she wore a comforting smile, “Nope. I promise. I’m going to pretend to attack you, and if I do by accident, you tell me and we’ll stop, okay?”

Alivana nodded, getting into a stance position as her mother asked, “Ready?”

The younger redhead nodded, “Yep!”

Natasha lunged towards her, jutting a fist straight out towards Alivana who immediately moved away and then to the side as another of her mother’s fists flew past her vision. She yelped as Natasha rolled out an ankle, letting out a small squeak as she tripped over her feet, thus landing on her bottom. 

Natasha stuck a hand out with a smile, “That was pretty good bud. You know, most of the people I fight don’t last that long. Let’s try again?’

The eleven year old moved the hair out of her face as she accepted her mother’s hand and got to her feet. She got into a stance position ready to try again, “Mhm!”

Natasha smirked at her daughter’s earnestness to best her in the friendly competition, something the younger girl definitely inherited from the Widow herself, “That’s my girl.” 

The two started to spar again, this time Alivana was sharper on her feet, making sure that she wouldn’t trip over her feet. But, by focusing all of her attention in staying upright, she failed to notice Natasha’s fist collide with her cheek. 

Natasha immediatly withdrew her hand, “I’m so sorry Alivana,” she said as she brushed her hand over the patch of skin she had struck, “Did I hurt you, baby?”

Alivana winced lightly as her mother’s fingers glazed over her skin, “No mama, I’m okay. It only hurts a little.”

Natasha gave her an unconvinced look. 

Alivana promised, “I promise Mama, I’m okay.”

Natasha nodded, “Alrighty then, but, just to make sure, at least let me give it a kiss.”

Alivana gave in, “Fine.” Secretely, she enjoyed being peppered with kisses by her parents, but in front of other people was an entirely different story.  

Natasha chuckled as she planted a soft kiss on a patch of Alivana’s cheek that began to turn red. She offered, “We can get some ice if you’d like, are you sure it doesn’t hurt baby?”

Alivana promised as she stuck on her pinky, “I’m fine mama, I promise.”

Just after the girl had said that, a voice interrupted the mother and daughter’s moment. 

“I knew I would find you two in here.”

Alivana turned to find Director Fury stand in front of them. 

Natasha spoke, “What’s up Fury?”

Fury spoke after he shifted his gaze left and right, “The four of us need to have a talk about her.”

Confused, Alivana moved closer to her mother who had an arm around her. 

Natasha followed Fury along, “Alright, c’mon Ally, let’s go.” 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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