Chapter 10: The men in black

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A/N: It's been a while since I've updated here. I promise that from now I will be updating every Saturday or Sunday because I had this strange but gladly-welcomed motivation to finish Alivana's tale. I've always had this planned out for a character, but life kept getting in the way of that. So, here's to anyone who still reading this and hasn't given up on me: I love you all 3000. See if you can find the foreshadowing in this chapter :).


There aren't any happy endings. There isn't a life lived with ease that remains undisturbed. For the Gods have thrown their dice and their figures are at play. And oh, how they are riling up. Unbeknownst to all, a Mad Titan has finished his grand master plan at the perfect restoration of existence. A man who was considered an urban legend for nearly a century has opened his eyes and found himself in a world that has moved on without him, however, it will still need him. An all-knowing All-Father has given his resignation for his eldest, his pureblood son to carry the crown to lead Asgard into the best future it can have.

The world may seem at peace as the stars align, but beneath the planets within it, chaos is only rising.

The child with abilities far more capable than she could ever dream of has only yet to unleash her full potential, that would be after whatever is left of her, ash and dust settles. To the Titan, she, among the many others are nothing more than a pawn to a king. 

And on Earth, chaos lurks behind every known, and unknown corner. And currently, HYDRA has taken over SHIELD, putting the entire nation, the entire globe at the hands of men and women who want to play with magic that is far above their levels.

A separate division begins to pick up the pieces of their latest defeat. Alexander Pierce isn't surprised, his brother was all about vengeance, but he couldn't ensure a damn thing for his life. He already got the phone call, their biggest asset of leverage since the Winter Soldier has escaped. Well rescued would be the more exact term.

HYDRA will rise. After all, cut one head off, and two more will and shall take its place. And this defeat has posed some possibilities for HYDRA to advance into the world.

The Widow and Hawkeye are at their most vulnerable, which means the time to act is now. He'll let the family reunite for a while, and then right at the perfect moment, he'll snatch that brat, and do the job properly, he'll kill Alivana Francis Alionova Romanoff-Barton.

But he won't. At least, not exactly.

Because at his position, HYDRA can get away with nearly anything. If the world would to find out what he was doing now, all would go to waste.

He plucks up his phone from the coffee table, sighing softly as he punches in eleven digits and the phone rings three times before hearing a feminine voice reply, "Agent Springrose at your service sir."

He speaks firmly without dancing around his words, "I want you to resume cover at SHIELD. And when the time is right, you will kidnap, and kill Alivana Romanoff-Barton. Understood?"

The feminine voice who belongs to Agent Springrose replies swiftly, "Of course sir. All Hail HYDRA."

Alexander Pierce hangs up the phone as he sinks back into his plush black chair. His eyes avert across the glass panes, surveying the night skyline. A smirk slowly plays at his lips and his eyes shine with something undecipherable.

Indeed, all hail HYDRA.

A/N: Remember Agent Springrose? Yeah, she's back. And that foreshadowing to Infinity War and possible Endgame? Guess we'll have to wait and see. 

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