Chapter 16: Training

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When Alivana woke up the next morning, she found herself with a pleasant surprise; her mother curled up in bed with her. “Hey baby,” her mother greeted as she tucked loose locks of hair out of Alivana’s face, “You okay?” Concern seeped into Natasha’s tone as she continued lowly since Clint was still asleep, “Papa said that some stuff happened yesterday, if you want we can talk about it?”

Alivana hesitated for a moment, unsure of whether or not she should confide in her mother. But then she remembered what her papa said yesterday, they were her parents, they were the only people who’d do everything within their power to ensure her safety and happiness. They love her. So Alivana gave in, “Mama, you don’t think that I’m weird or a freak right? Because of what happened?”

Natasha shook her head, clasping Alivana’s outstretched hand in hers, “Of course not baby, what happened to you doesn’t make you any less of a person. I promise you.” She smiled as she stroked her daughter’s temple, “Okay?”

Alivana smiled back up at Natasha, “Okay. Thank you.”

Natasha reached forward and pressed a kiss to her daughter’s forehead, “Get some more rest milli moli, we have training later. Love you.”

Alivana replied as her eyes closed, “Love you too.”


When it was actually time to wake up, Alivana had to be dragged out of bed. She mumbled as she rubbed her eyes, “Why does your job start so early?” She slurred, “That doesn’t make any sense, it should be illegal.”

Clint chuckled as he ruffled Alivana’s hair, making it into even more of a mess, “You’re not wrong bud, c’mon, you can sleep more in the car. And if you really want, I’ll let you play on my computer.”

Alivana’s face lit up, “Yay!” She dashed to the bathroom, excited to beat her high score on Angry Birds. 

Natasha chuckled fondly as she worked on setting the table, “She’s adorable, I still can’t believe that we have her back.”

Clint replied as he pulled out the orange juice, “She is, I told you we’d get her back. We’re okay now.” A low chuckle erupted out of the man as Alivana plopped on the seat next to him. 

Confused as to why her papa was laughing, Alivana inquired, “Papa, what’s so funny?”

Clint, amused, answered, “Did you fix your hair missy?”

Alivana shook her hand sheepishly as she reached for a cup of orange juice. The three started at their breakfast and then went off to get dressed for work. 

Still sleepy from waking up so early, Alivana fell asleep in the backseat only to wake up already at their destination with Natasha getting her up. She immediatly followed, one hand holding each of her parent’s as they rode up the elevator to their destinated floor. 

The elevator chimed softly as the doors parted to reveal the ever so busy floor with agents hustling and bustling two and forth. She followed her parents to their station where their assignments were waiting for them to be exectuted. 

Clint had to spar with some of the newer recruits, which left Natasha with some free time before having to do recon with Maria later. Natasha decided to take the opportunity to start training Alivana in more proper self-defense techniques. 

Alivana questioned as she walked alongside her mama, “Mama, where are we going now?”

Natasha explained patiently, “Your papa and I decided that we should give you proper training since you’re going to go with us on the mission next week. Fury doesn’t like it per say, but there’s no way we’re getting a babysitter. Besides,” she added as she twirled Alivana by the hand causing her to giggle quietly, “It’ll be fun.”

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