I. nervous

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"JOHNNY WAKE UP" Johnny's mother shouted from downstairs but Johnny was already up, he had been up for at least 2 hours trying to get his hair perfect for the show however it was not cooperating.

"I'm up!" The 17 year old shouted kindly. He gave up on his hair with an annoyed sigh and walkedout of his room and jogged down stairs quickly

"You ready for show tonight?" Meredith asked as she put a plate of waffles on the table for herself and a breakfast bar for Johnny, she knew he didn't like eating a big breakfast on days that he had shows because he didn't want his stomach too full and him have to move slowly

"Definitely" Johnny said grabbing the bar and he was clearly lying  "Mostly. I just... I'm nervous, it's the biggest show I've had all year"


"Oh be quiet John" Lauren said suddenly as she walked in the kitchen and grabbed a plate of waffles as well and pulled out a seat between her older brother and her mother and took a bite of her warm fresh waffle "It'll be fine" Lauren added as she chewed her breakfast

"Ew. Lauren chew with your mouth closed" Johnny told his sister "And you don't know that. I could freeze up"

"Have you frozen up before?"

"Well no b-"

"See. It'll be fine" Lauren said taking another bite of her food. Their mother chuckled and started to eat her waffles as well. "Oh and by the way... your hair is a mess" Lauren teased

Johnny tolled his eyes with a smile "Shut up"

"Johnny! Thank god. I was worried you were gonna be late" A man who Johnny did not recognize at all said as he ran up the boy the second he entered the concert stadium

"Uh-" Johnny started but before he finish his sentence the man pulled him into a room with a makeup artist who he did recognize, it was Juliet Holmes, she was amazing at her job.

"Okay you're all done. go on now, the show starts in an hour and a half" Juliet said with a smile after she finished Johnny's makeup which only took an hour. Juliet was amazing at her job but she took longer than what was probably needed.

Johnny smiled at Juliet through the mirror and stood up "Thanks Juli" he said and walked out of the room to his rehearsal area.

"Hayden! Come on" Jessie Hallson yelled at her boyfriend because apparently he was taking too long to get ready even though Jessie had been getting ready for 3 hours and just finished.

"Hold on! I need to get my hoodie!" The boy shouted back and after a minute he jogged up to his girlfriend while in the middle of putting his hoodie on and finished putting it was as they walked out of the door.

The two got in the car and Hayden started to drive to Jessie's friends house to pick them up for concert. A concert that Hayden did not want to go to, not at all. It was a stupid Johnny Orlando concert. Hayden didn't even know who he was but he his girlfriend practically forced him to go.
They picked up 4 of Jessie's friends and headed to the show to make sure they weren't late.

"You're like an hour early Jess" Hayden said as they pulled into the parking lot that was a beautiful color due to the sunset.

"Yeah so? It's fine. There are other people here anyway" Jessie said as she hurried out of car before Hayden could even take the keys out. He stepped out of the drivers side and walked up to Jessie

"I'm gonna run to the gas station. I forgot my cigarettes"

Jessie made a disgusting face "Okay, hurry up"

Hayden turned around and rolled his eyes as he got back into the car and pulled out of the his parking spot and drove to the nearest gas station.

He walked into the store and up to the cashier "A pack of maverick 100s" he said and sat a 20 dollar bill on the counter "Oh wait" He added and grabbed a strawberry flavored airhead "And this please"

"ID?" The woman at the counter asked as she grabbed the cigarettes off the wall

Shit Hayden thought to himself. He thought quickly though and tapped his pockets 'searching' for his wallet "Damn it, I must have forgotten it, I'm sorry" He lied "My birthdays April 4th 2000"

The woman signed, clearly not believing Hayden but she took the twenty and handed the pack of cigarettes to him. "Here's your change" she said holding out $12.50

"Keep it" Hayden smiled and grabbed his stuff off the white, cold counter and walked back to his car.

"Hayden! Over here!" Jessie shouted from a long long line of Johnny fans waiting to be allowed in. Hayden's eyes widen slightly as he walked up to where his girlfriend and all her friends where in line

"Hey so I've decided to stay out here during the show."

"What the fuck? I paid for your ticket?" Jessie said clearly upset

"I'm sorry. I just don't who this dude is and frankly I don't care to find out" Hayden said bluntly "And I'm sure one of those girls would love my ticket" He added glancing at the small crowd of teenage girls just behind the line hoping to see Johnny even just for a second

"Ugh. Fine whatever." Jessie said as she grabbed Hayden's ticket and pushed it in his chest

"Thanks" He said sarcastically and walked over to the crazy fan crowd "I have an extra ticket. Does anyone want it?" A bunch of them started to huddle toward Hayden screaming and shouting yes "Whoa, calm down"

"Please please please me!" A blonde girl yelled

Hayden shrugged "Okay here" He handed the ticket to the girl carefree and walked away leaving all of the other fan girls in shock and jealously. They are fucking crazy he thought and chuckled under his breath. The 16 year old walked back to his car and sat on the hood admiring the beautiful sunset.


authors note

strawberries & cigarettes ➸ johayden Where stories live. Discover now