XIII. the make-up

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JOHNNY ORLANDO HAD THOUGHT about a lot since he last saw Hayden... he didn't want to think about it but it seemed impossible to think about anything else. Hayden, though, he did everything he could to prevent Johnny from seeping into his mind. He spent more time with Jessie and he even took visits to the gym, really he did anything to keep Johnny out of his mind but at night it didn't seem to make a difference because that's when he thought about him the most.

Something that was helpful was that during that time he had figured out one thing for sure... he needed to end it with Jessie. He loved her of course but he needed to understand himself and he couldn't do that while he was with her.

Even though it made his heart race and his stomach flip Hayden had come to the conclusion that he wasn't straight. Was he bisexual? He didn't know. Was he gay? He had no idea. Was he straight? Hell no. He did know though that his tough act with Johnny needed to end. Hayden knew he needed to face him.

"Hey Jess, I'm heading out but uh... c-can we talk tonight? It's important" Hayden said to his girlfriend as he approached the table at which Jessie was sitting at

"Okay whatever. I'm about to leave as well" Jessie replied in a rude tone, she didn't intend to sound rude but it came out that way anyway.With a sigh and small smile Hayden grabbed his keys and headed out.

"Hey Siri" Hayden said aloud while he buckled up in his car "Call Johnny"

"Calling Johnny smiling face emoji" Siri said and the phone began to ring

"Hello?" John's voice sounded from the iPhone

"Hey uh I was wondering if we could meet up" Hayden replied "Oh and it's Hayden by the way"

"I know who this is" John said with an audible chuckle "And I don't know... I'm kind of busy today and well last time we talked... i-it didn't go well"

Hayden's facial expression went into a sad and regretful look "I know I'm sorry... that's a part of the reason I would like to see you today"

There was a long silence before Johnny spoke "I..I- Well I guess we could after I'm finished with what I'm doing"

"Great! I-I mean okay good. Um what time?"

"Three good?"

"Sure" Hayden smiled "That works"

"Mkay" Johnny replied "I uh gotta go now"

"O-Okay. Bye Johnny, I'll see ya"

"Bye Hayden" John said before hanging up without another word. Hayden's heart beat began to race but in a good way... until he remembered he needed to talk with Jessie, then his heart raced in a bad way, a nervous way.

Two thirty rolled around and Hayden still wasn't ready to see Johnny nor was he ready to talk about anything that had happened.

"Hi mom! It's Hayden, I just wanted to let you know that I'll be at your party Friday. Um bye now. Love you" Hayden said into his phone, leaving his mother a message.

"Shit" A voice randomly sounded from somewhere in Hayden's home.

"Uh... Hello?"


"Who hell is here?" Hayden shouted as he began to worry

"Sorry little bro" Dylan Summerall said as he came into Hayden's view

"What are you doing here" Hayden asked with a smile "I thought you were at college"

"Fall break" Dylan answered

"Oh.. Well welcome back"

Dylan chuckled "Thanks. I gotta head out now, found my keys!"

"But you just got here" Hayden said sadly

"I'll be back later don't worry" Dylan said as he lovingly squeezed his brothers shoulder

Hayden watched his brother exit the home and then went up to his bedroom. The sixteen year old pulled out his phone to next Johnny but John had already texted him

"Meet at the park on 34th?" The message read

Not wanting to sound too excited Hayden texted back a simple "sure"
Shortly after the text Hayden left the house.

Leaves crunched underneath Hayden's shoes as he walked the pathway into the fall leaf covered park. A nice chilly breeze hit his face but he didn't mind, he enjoyed it. The curly haired boy continued to walk until he went into the main center of the park and he saw Johnny sitting on a black metal bench, the mind blowing his hair in a bunch of different directions but yet he still looked adorable. He took in a deep breath before he continued to walk closer to the dirty blonde. "Hey"

"Hi" Johnny smiled and scooted over to the far left side of the bench to allow more room for Hayden.

"I'm sorry Johnny" Hayden finally said after an awkward moment of tense silence

"I... It's fine"

Hayden sighed "No it isn't. I shouldn't treat you like shit"

It was a serious moment yet Hayden's comment made Johnny chuckle "I'm okay Hayden. I'm not heartbroken over you or anything like that"

"Oh really? Cause here I thought you were madly in love with me"

Johnny began to laugh quietly. He felt more than happy to be spending time with Hayden in a good way. He missed him. "I'm sorry too. I was a little clingy"

"I like clingy"

John glanced up at Hayden who was looking at the ground with a smile "I hope we can hang out more"

"I'd like that" Hayden said as he looked over to Johnny. Both boys were smiling with joy. Hayden felt comfortable around Johnny, he felt safe. Maybe nothing was as bad as it seemed.


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