V. sleepover

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   HAYDEN'S HEART WAS BEATING faster than he knew it should have when he laid his body down beside John's. The curly haired boy let out a shaky breath as his head hit the soft pillow and then he shifted his body to face Johnny.

"Thanks for letting me sleep here" Hayden whispered but it was loud enough for John to hear

"Don't thank me Hayden" Johnny responded as he stared at the dark ceiling

"Well I really appreciate it"

"Goodnight nasty smoker"

"Hey!" Hayden said not whispering anymore and got a loud laugh in response from Johnny

"Sorry not sorry" Johnny said finally turning to face Hayden with a smile on his face which quickly faded when he realized how close their faces were. A long moment of silence fell upon them as they each admired ones features. Johnny's breath was beyond unsteady, his heart beating so fast it felt as if he it was going to jump out and his stomach so filled with butterflies that he was nauseous. Hayden on the hand was oddly calm, his eyes looked into Johnny's and to him that was the most peaceful thing ever. In that moment he wasn't thinking about anything or anything but Johnny.

"I-I'm gonna sleep now" Hayden finally said and turned the opposite of Johnny. Johnny sighed quietly and closed his eyes.

Johnny saw redness in his closed eyes as the sun his him directly. "Shit-" He whispered underneath his breath. Johnny removed the messy covers and felt the cool air conditioning hit his body which felt amazing to him. He looked at the clock beside the bed and saw that it was only seven in the morning which meant he still had a few hours before he had to be anywhere. John then looked at the bed where he was sleeping and saw Hayden peacefully sleeping, he looked so precious, Johnny smiled at the sight before he walked away and opened his suitcase to grab his outfit for the day.

Hayden groaned as he turned over so his head was face down on the pillow. "I don't wanna get up" he mumbled.

"Come on Hayden, it's almost ten, you've sleep too long" Johnny said gently rocking Hayden by his hip "Plus I'm hungry and I don't wanna eat without you"

Hayden sighed into his pillow before grunting and turning over to face Johnny "Fine. Only for food though" He said and got up off the bed. Johnny smiled at Hayden and moved out of his way.

"Wait- this isn't a restaurant" Hayden said when he and Johnny pulled into the parking lot of a building that Hayden didn't recognize at all

"Nope. It's the place where we do photo shoots.. well not actually but for this one it is"

"You said you were hungry"

"I had to get you out of bed" Johnny said with a shrug and opened his door before walking over to Hayden's and opening it for him

"I coulda done that myself" Hayden said seriously

"I know" Johnny said with a light laugh

The two walked from their parking space to the front door of the brick building, their hands swaying closely to each other's, occasionally brushing against one another. Neither of them minded though.

"So what's this shoot for?"

"Well" Johnny began "It's to announce my new single"

"You're coming out with a new single?"

Johnny smiled "Yep"

"Why am I here though" Hayden asked

"Obviously for support... oh and I wanted some pictures with you" Johnny answered as he open fed the glass door


authors note
okay i've uh
decided that
chapters will
be pretty short
500-1000 words
or so and i'm sorry
but it's the only way i get
chapters out faster):

strawberries & cigarettes ➸ johayden Where stories live. Discover now