XII. lukewarm water

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JESSIE HALLSON BEGAN TO GROW impatient as she waiting for her boyfriend to return. Who stays in the bathroom that long? she thought to herself as she sipped on her cold water and watched the sweat drip down Hayden's glass, shaking her leg underneath the table out of annoyance.

Less than two minutes after Jessie saw Hayden walk out of the restroom and head outside This fucker Jessie quickly thought and stood up from her seat and began to follow him out. Jessie wasn't paying attention to her surroundings because when she was less than a foot away from the door she heard a boy

"Shit! Watch it" He said harshly and Jessie saw that she had made him drop his phone onto the hard floor. The dirty blonde boy bent down to get his phone

"Holy crap- Y-you're Johnny Orlando" Jessie said with shock

"Um... yeah... I am uh but I have to go I'm s-sorry" John said with a creaked voice, Jessie saw that John's face had sadness all over it.

Jessie sighed—still shocked that she had actually saw Johnny Orlando in real life— and walked out of the restaurant and saw Hayden leaning against his car quietly smoking a cigarette.

"Hayden! What the hell!?" Jessie scolded "I told you to stop that!"

Hayden slowly took the cigarette out of his mouth and held it between his index and middle fingers "Oh Jess please stop, you know I can't give this up. Here try it" He said and put the toxic item closer to Jessie's face

"Ew no"

"Whatever. Your loss" Hayden said nonchalantly "What do you want anyway?"

"Well firstly you were in bathroom with Johnny freaking Orlando and didn't say a word and secondly you came out here without telling me"

"Oh so I have to tell you every fuckin' thing that goes on in my life now?" Hayden said angrily. He'd admit that he wasn't mad at Jessie or even Johnny... just himself. Hayden didn't want to be rude, he never did. He's a peacemaker, a lover, a kind boy... but something changed and he had no clue why... or maybe he did and he was just denying it.

Jessie scoffed and walked back into the restaurant to leave a ten dollar bill, which would definitely cover the waters and a small tip before she walked back out and snatched the keys from Hayden's pocket and got in the car "Bye babe" She said before starting the vehicle and slowly reversed it

"What the fu- Jessie!" Hayden shouted in shock "What are you doing!?"

"Leaving, see you at the house" Jessie said just before she sped away out of the restaurants parking lot leaving Hayden confused and alone

Hayden sighed and put his cigarette out by smushing it with his left black combat boot and let out a frustrated sigh before he walked back into the restaurant not seeing Johnny anywhere.

"Um... yeah... I am uh but I have to go I'm s-sorry" John said to the brown haired girl before he walked away. He paid for his meal and then left. He didn't want to go home, he wanted to be alone but not by himself so he thought it would be a good opportunity to reconnect with someone

"Hey Riley... would you wanna hang out?" John typed and quickly hit send

It took only seconds for the young girl to start typing "Hey J"

"I was wondering if you'd like to hang"

"Can't sorry."

With a sigh John started to type however he felt too annoyed to even try to reply so instead he put his phone in his pocket and sat in his car, alone, thinking about a few things... tour, what was coming next in his life.... Hayden. The thoughts were beginning to overwhelm him so, with the only solution in his mind, he turned the radio on... only to hear his very own new song which had became quite popular within months of coming out "Ugh" John mumbled and shut it off.

The seventeen year old eventually forced himself to drive home and was greeted by his mother who was concerned as to where he was, Johnny made up an excuse of the line being long and went outside for a swim.

The water was relaxing to say the least, he felt calm and free as he floated on the lukewarm water. He wanted to enjoy swimming everyday but winter was approaching fast and the warmer days were coming to an end but at that moment he could enjoy the warm water and coolish weather, not a thought in his mind other than how amazing it felt to be in that water.


authors note
short ik and
it didn't go
buuut i hope
you enjoyed
it !

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