IV. strawbarry shakes & cheese fries

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    IT HAD BEEN A long time since Johnny had a friend who he could be totally himself around, he had to be who the world thought he was around all of his other friends. Johnny wasn't sure who he actually was though because after so long of being what everyone wants you to be you lose sight of the true you.

"Wait so you're not from Canada?" Johnny asked as the two boys laid on Johnny's couch in his temporary studio eating cheese puffs

"Nope" Hayden answered as he popped another chip in his mouth "I'm from here"

"Texas? Oh my god, how did I not know this?" Johnny said surprisingly, he sat up and looked at the beautiful boy in front of him as he admired his soft features and pretty brown eyes, Johnny quickly wiped those thoughts from his mind though.

Hayden chuckled with a smile "You never asked"

"Well... okay fair but still, you coulda told me when you knew we were gonna meet here"

Hayden shrugged "I'm gonna step outside to smoke if that's okay"

"Well it's not okay by me but go ahead" Johnny said with a smirk. Over the time they talked Johnny had made it his everyday mission to annoy Hayden with how much he dislikes cigarettes, so far he was doing pretty good.

Hayden rolled his eyes playfully as he stood up and grabbed the cigarette pack from his backpack and stepped outside. The warm air hit his face, Hayden had began to forget what warm air left like.

Normally the smoke from the cigarette warmed Hayden's face but this time it felt uncomfortable but Hayden loved smoking too much to put out plus he would never waste a valuable cigarette. As he inhaled the cloudy smoke into his lungs his phone buzzed and he pulled it out to see a text from Jessie, it read 'hey hayyy i miss u babe' Hayden chuckled at the text and released the smoke from his lungs as he flicked the cigarette to get the extra ash off before he put the tip in his mouth so that he could text with both hands 'miss u too jess' he quickly typed and put his phone away.

Hayden's text was a lie though, he didn't miss Jessie and he felt awful for it yet at the same time he couldn't feel anything but happiness when he was around Johnny. That boy had some kind of effect on Hayden that he couldn't get enough of.

Half a cigarette later Hayden went back into the temporary studio to see Johnny smiling at his phone "Ohh whats little Johnny boy smiling at" he said as he sat next to the blonde

"I'm older than you though" Johnny replied completely focused on the fact Hayden called him 'little Johnny boy'

Hayden smiled "Hey that's us" he said after he noticed that Johnny was looking at the selfie they had taken when they first met, that had taken Hayden back to that time and his whole body felt a rush of warm-ness as he recalled every single thing about that night and what happened after. To both Johnny and Hayden it had felt far longer than a month and half.

Hayden suddenly coughed causing Johnny to slightly jump but immediately after he put his hand on Hayden's shoulder and rubbed it gently "You okay?"

"Yeah" Hayden said before lightly clearing his throat "I'm fine but I'm also hungry, wanna go get some food?"

Johnny took his hand off of Hayden's shoulder and to Hayden his shoulder left cold and empty for a moment after "Sure I could eat" Johnny answered with a smile

The boys had chose some random restaurant that neither of them had been at before and to their surprise it was very good. They had strawberry milkshakes, cheesy fries, steak, and much more food that they would regret later. They had fun, they laughed and talked about everything and anything and if someone were paying close enough attention it may have looked like a date... but it was most definitely not. After they ate and walked back to the studio Johnny had began to clean up the room.

"Why are you doing that for?" Hayden asked as he watched his friend pick up

"Well I thought it would be nice to not leave this place a mess for the cleaning crew when they come here tonight"

"The cleaning crew comes here while you sleep?"

Johnny laughed "No you doofus, I'm sleeping at the hotel my parents are at plus you can only use this during the day"

"Wait... I-I don't- I didn't book a room" Hayden said as he began to internally panic

"That's fine. You can sleep with me" Johnny smiled up at Hayden softly while he threw away water bottles "I kinda assumed you would anyway though"

Hayden looked down at his hands which he was fidgeting with and hadn't noticed as he tried to hide the redness rushing to his cheeks "Oh-okay I'm good with that.. bro"

"Oh my god Hayden no offense but that was cringe so please don't ever call me that again" Johnny said as he stopped what he was doing so he could look Hayden in the eye only to see his brown curls

Hayden chuckled still looking at his hands "I'm sorry"


authors note
damn okay i know
i promised at least
1k words but like
see i got behind
and then i realized
how long it had been
since i updated and
so i thought almost
900 was okay? i'm

strawberries & cigarettes ➸ johayden Where stories live. Discover now