III. it's not a girl

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"THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU GUYS" Johnny said as he finished up his show. It was amazing like all of his were however unlike his other concerts this one was one he would remember every detail of... but he didn't know that then.

Time seemed to go slow with the vip meet & greets, normally he didn't mind, he loved talking and meeting his fans but deep down he was hoping to see Hayden again. Something about him seemed to intrigue Johnny in a way he couldn't even understand himself.

It had been an entire month since Johnny and Hayden met, the two had talked on instagram and had grown closer. Hayden didn't tell anyone about it, not even his girlfriend, he liked that Johnny and his friendship was private, he liked that no one knew about it and could cause drama. Johnny on the other hand didn't, he wanted to see Hayden and be there with him in person.

So after weeks of begging Hayden had finally agreed to go see Johnny on his text stop in Texas. Hayden of course had to convince his mom to buy him a plane ticket but that was no trouble because his mother always wanted to buy Hayden's love.

"Why are you going to Texas anyway? That place is so gross" Jessie said as she laid her head on her boyfriends shoulder as the two of them rested on the couch while scrolling through Netflix.

Hayden chuckled "Well firstly it isn't gross, you've never been there and secondly I told you because I'm meeting up with a friend"

"It's not a girl righ-"

"I told you 10 times it's not a girl Jess oh my god" Hayden said annoyingly as he scrolled to the next row of shows and movies

"Well excuse me for being a protective girlfriend"

"You mean a paranoid girlfriend" Hayden whispered under his breath

"What'd you say?"  Jessie asked as she looked up at Hayden

"Oh nothing babe" Hayden quickly replied "How about this movie, it seems interesting"


Hayden ignored the obvious annoyance from Jesse and pressed play on the movie.

"Flight 112 departing in 35 minutes" A man said over a speaker as Hayden rushed up to the lady who was taking the tickets. She scanned his ticket and he went onto the plane.

"Hayden!" Johnny called from airport that Hayden had landed at in Texas

"Johnny? What are you doing here? I thought I wasn't gonna see you until your show"

"Well I couldn't wait that long" Johnny replied as he pulled Hayden into a hug "I missed you and your nasty cigarette breath"

"You don't know that my breath smells like cigarettes"

"Well I'm sure it does" Johnny replied as the two remained in a hug. After a moment Johnny let go and planted a little kiss on Hayden's check which caused a blush to quickly appear on his face. Neither of the boys acknowledged that as they walked to a car that was waiting for them outside


authors note
wow this sucked
so badly i'm sorry
and it was so short
i'm a terrible writer(':
also how was that
hot steamy johayden
kiss huh ??
hot right

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