IX. an old friend

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   HAYDEN SUMMERALL SMILED AND laughed in his head as he looked back at the pictures from his time with Johnny. The two boys in the photo were smiling widely, ear to ear, as they had their arms wrapped around one another. Hayden could recall that exact moment, he recalled that just after the photo was taken, Johnny, tickled his side causing him to almost fall onto the ground but John had a hold of his hand that stopped him.

"Hayden?" Mrs. Summerall suddenly sounded from behind Hayden.


His mother let out a sigh before walking around the living room couch and placing herself next to her son. "Um... well, I just got a message from someone named Meredith Orlando and she said that her son, Johnny, wants you to join his next tour. I told her I'd talk to you about it but considering I have no clue who Meredith or Johnny are"

"Oh... um Johnny's the kid I went to see in T-Texas" Hayden confessed embarrassingly. He hadn't told his mom who he was seeing exactly, only his dad, but he didn't really expect her to ever find out much less care.

Mrs. Summerall furrowed her brows in confusion "And he's famous? Hayden, honey, why don't you tell me anything anymore"

Hayden let out a long sigh before looking down at the ground. He felt slightly bad but him and his mother hadn't been close since he was ten years old, maybe younger it was hard for him to remember exactly when. "I'm sorry mom... I just... I don't know. And um yeah he's famous, I guess. I met him when Jessie went to one of his concerts and- well it isn't important. If you don't want me to go on his next tour I won't." Hayden said, and the truth was... he didn't really want to go on Johns next tour, maybe it was because of the kiss but Hayden told himself it was became he didn't like being away from Jessie.

"Hm... well, if you want to I can't stop you honey. But please tell me more about what goes on in your life. I know you're growing up but I miss my little boy"

Hayden mentally scoffed at his mothers comment. He knew she didn't mean it. She never did and it was her fault they weren't close. Hayden blamed her for most of what was wrong in his life and to be honest it was her fault. "Okay mom" He replied and just a second later he felt his phone vibrate. He looked down at it and saw Johnny's name on the screen, Hayden's heart skipped a beat and a tight, warm feeling appeared in his stomach, his heart beat increased as he replayed their kiss in his head "Um I-I have to go. Bye mom" He quickly said and hurried off to his bedroom and sat on his bed opening the message and a slight smile appeared on the 16 year olds face however Hayden didn't reply. He didn't know how. He felt that he replied it would be awkward and plus Hayden didn't want to reply because he didn't know to feel at all about anything.

"Johnny?" Lauren said as she gently knocked on her brothers door before stepping in

"What" John replied

"Oh um nothing just dinners ready if you're hungry" Lauren informed gently despite her brothers attitude

"Okay. Thanks. Tell mom I'll be down in a bit." Johnny responded coldly and sadly. Lauren nodded even though she knew Johnny wouldn't see it and exited the 17 year olds room, closing the door before stepping way.

Johnny let out a deep breath and slightly grunted as he sat up on his bed pulling his phone out and looked at the read message. He gently tapped the side of his phone a few times with his index finger before going to a different contact, his old friend Riley. Johnny used to be really close to her yet once Johnny got more fame the two faded. Johnny has kept her contact info incase they wanted to reconnect. "Hey R, it's John..." He quickly typed and nervously hit send. The girl immediately started to type back "Omg hi... it's been forever" Johnny smiled before he typed another message.

Him and Riley caught up and talked with each other for at least 20 minutes before his mother called him down to eat. John sat at his seat and put his phone "Where's dad?" he asked once he noticed that his father wasn't at the table.

"Had to work." Meredith answered as she set down two plates of dinner in front of her two children. Johnny nodded in response, his dad had been working a lot lately but he didn't really mind.


authors note
so um this chapter
didn't really go anyway
but i wanted to update
and plus it's leading up
to stuff (obviously) so
yay also thanks for 2k
reads !!

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