XVI. fault

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      RILEY AND JOHNNY SAT in the living room of the Orlando home in total silence. Johnny knew Riley had problems at home, she always did. Her parents never got along even though they pretended to, they stayed together but always fought and Riley somehow would get stuck in the middle, forced to pick a side or blamed for something.

"So... Riley, are you okay?" Johnny spoke up quietly, his voice thoughtful and caring. He always had a way of showing how much he cared

Riley rubbed her hands on her jeans to try and get them to stop being so sweaty but it only made it worse "For the most part yes" The young woman answered "I don't want to talk about it right now"

"Oh uh okay... we don't have to" Johnny said even though he thought that's what they were gonna do

"Thanks" Riley said with a smile "Um but if I did want to talk about it you wouldn't tell anyone right?"

"Of course, just between us Ri"

Riley gulped and she could've swore it was loud enough for Johnny to hear but he didn't. She was just so scared, her parents have gotten so bad lately and now she's here with her old friend who she hasn't seen nor talked to in forever, was she really that desperate? "Thank you again John-o-lantern"

"Riley I swear if you call me that one more tim—" Johnny got cut off by his phones sudden vibration. Automatically he pulls it out to see it a text message from Hayden, John's heart suddenly began to beat fast

"Who is it?"

"N-no one" Johnny said flipping his over so the screen wasn't visible, he didn't even get to see what Hayden wanted

"Aw was it your girlfriend?"

"No" Johnny scoffed with a smile "just a dude" Yet again his phone vibrated, he ignored it.

"Johnny... my dad he's, well.. more violent with us now a-and I know he tries to be nice but he just... can't. My mom doesn't care, she loves liquor too much and Gabe well he's too young to know anything" Riley confessed sadly. Johnny didn't expect it so randomly but he was okay with it. He knew her parents were never great but he didn't know how bad it had got

"I- Riley... when did Penni start drinking? Wait- I'm sorry. I'm so sorry it's all so awful" Johnny said as he put a arm on Riley's back and rubbed gently

"After you left, things fell apart and it just—" Riley stopped, she couldn't seem to think of what to say

"It's okay. Shh"

Riley wasn't crying— yet— but Johnny was still comforting her. It was hard for her to talk about this and he knew that, as he gave his friend a hug he felt his phone vibrate again.

It continued to vibrate the whole time they talked and stuff until finally after about twenty three minutes Johnny's phone rings "I gotta takes this, I'm sorry" He said knowing he can't ignore Hayden anymore. As he picks up the call he gets a glance at one of the messages "johnny please answer i need u"

"Hey what's up?"

"What the fuck Johnny!? I've been texting you!"

"I'm sorry I'm busy okay"

"Is it so important you can't check your phone for five seconds!" Hayden said upset, really upset

"Jeez Hay, what's wrong?"

Johnny could here heavy breathing and sighs through the phone "i-it's Jessie she's... she's hurt and— and it's my fault okay? It's my fucking fault! She got in a car accident because of me! Because of you! Because of how you-" He stopped. He stopped and Johnny could hear— could feel— his pain and tears

"Hayden, where are you? Are you okay?"

"Am I okay? I just fuckin— Jessie's not okay we should be worried about her! Please Johnny I'm sorry I don't know what to do, I don't know- Im at the gas station b-by Gregory Street"

"Okay, okay, okay I'll be there just- I'll be there okay?"

"O-okay" and then Hayden hung up

"Um I have to cancel my practice and we have to go" Johnny told Riley, still processing everything

"What's happening?" Riley asked very confused


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