X. rain, gloom and tears

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     THE COMFORTING SOUND OF RAIN FILLED Johnny Orlando's ears as he peacefully and quietly read a book, occasionally getting lost in thought about a certain kiss he had shared over a week ago. Yep... a week. An entire week had went by without John and Hayden speaking to each other. Throughout that week Johnny had thought about sending him another message but always backed down; Hayden had also thought of texting John but never even typed one word.

Hayden had thought about the tour but ultimately decided to not go along with him. He needed to forget him and the kiss and focus on his relationship with his girlfriend.... the only problem was he couldn't get Johnny or the kiss out of his no matter what he did. Guilt filled his heart as he thought about John while he was sitting next to Jessie.

"Babe?" Jessie suddenly sounded once she noticed her boyfriends wondering expression

"Hm?" He simply responded not completely focused on her but a certain green eyed boy

"Are you okay?" Jessie asked genuinely. It might not have seemed like it but Jessie did love Hayden and she did care for him even if she was a bitch to him most of the time.

Hayden inhaled deeply before turning his head to face his girlfriend and forced a small smile on his face "Of course. Just tired is all" He lied, the fake smile still on his face as he slowly leaned in and placed his lips onto hers.

Jessie smiles gently and nodded before she turned back to the table in front of them. They were eating dinner along because Hayden's dad was out and his mother had left town the day before for a job interview. You would think he would be used to it by then but he wasn't... it still freaked him out. The small but creepy sounds of the house 'settling' and the extreme quiet that made him hear his own heart beat. The quiet was worse than the creepy noises because at least with the creepy noises Hayden wasn't forced to listen to his own thoughts. That was scarier than anything.

Hayden had invited Jessie to spend the night so he wasn't alone and even though Jess had plans with her girls she decided that it was best to spend some time with Hayden because after all he was her boyfriend. "Maybe after we eat we can go to bed" Jessie suggested flatly

"Maybe" Hayden answered dryly as he went back into thoughts.

The rain continued to pour heavily throughout dinner and Johnny didn't mind one bit, it was relaxing to say the least however his mother and sister certainly didn't like it. "Ugh I thought it wasn't suppose to be this and until Friday" Meredith wondered aloud as she sat her fork down on the plate and took a drink of her water which sat in the right side of her dinner plate. John didn't reply he just continued to slowly eat his dinner.

"I know it's awful. I was supposed to go out with some friends" Lauren commented after chewing her food. Silence fall fell upon the three once again as Lauren and her mother eyed each other and then John as they both noticed how quiet and sad he seemed

"Hey Johnny... Are you okay?" His mother asked not getting John's attention "John?" She said a bit louder

"Hm?" He quietly spoke

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah.... Just tired"

"It's seven thirty" Lauren cut in

"So? I had a long day" Johnny defended

"Hey it's alright you two... don't start" Their mother responded knowing the two would most likely turn the conversation into an argument.

"Whatever. I'm going to my room" John said as he set his silverware down onto the half empty plate and began to walk to his room. He locked the door and looked around before walking over to the window. John pulled his desk chair over to it and sat in it as he stared out of it seeing heavy rain, gloomy clouds and the trees blowing in the wind.

Johnny closed his eyes as he took a deep breath and just listened to the sound of the rain hitting the window and he finally began to calm down. His heart wasn't aching or racing, he wasn't overthinking the kiss or even thinking about it at all. As he listened to the rain pour down it was as if everything just washed away and he was at total peace.... well until his phone buzzed.

John sighed annoyingly as he pulled his phone out to that the people who had taken the photo shoot of him and Hayden had tagged him in a post "Had an amazing time working with @johnnyorlando and @haydensummerallll hope to do it again very soon" The caption read and above it was pictures from the shoot. All of his feelings came rushing over him again and maybe it because he was mad at Hayden for not talking to him since what had happened or maybe it was because it was how he couldn't be mad at someone so cute and all around amazing but whatever the case Johnny couldn't help the tears the started to run down his cheek, the cool air making them stick to his face. He quickly wiped them away and let out a heavy breath before he stood up and walked over to his bed as he covered up with his blankets, he pulled them up his chin as he held them tightly to his body. He closed his eyes and fell asleep hoping that that kiss didn't ruin his career or friendship.


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