VI. kiss me

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    AFTER JOHNNY CHANGED INTO his clothes for the shoot he walked over to Hayden with a big smile "How do I look?" He asked happily.

"Y-you look great" Hayden answered, his heart fluttered at the sight of the slightly older boy who was dressed in a plain black button up shirt and black, dark red and pink flower pants with red high tops. His hair looking just as amazing even though he hadn't done a thing to it.

"Too bad I can't keep this. It's amazing" Johnny replied as he walked over next to Hayden and spun around for the other boy to see the rest of the outfit.

"It really does." Hayden replied, still admiring his friend. "Maybe we could ask them if you can keep it?"

Johnny gently bit his lip a bit "Maybe... I don't want to annoy them"

Hayden chuckled "Oh Johnny, you could ever annoy anyone."

Johnny sighed with a smile and shook his head gently "Well then you don't know me very well"

He was right. Hayden didn't know him very well, he didn't know that that night John dreamt of the two sharing a soft kiss, he didn't know ever since their first meeting Johnny hasn't been able to stop thinking about strawberry flavored airheads and the smell of smoke. Hayden didn't know that every time Johnny looked at the pictures the two had taken the first time they met his heart would feel as if it had smiled. Hayden didn't know him very well at all.

"Whatever dork" Hayden said "Let's go ahead and get this started"

The photo shoot went well. Johnny and Hayden took many, many photos together, more than what the photographer had intended. John enjoyed it far more than Hayden did but Hayden did enjoy it quite a bit. Half of the photos they look together were of them playing around and not taking it seriously... but how could they when they both were focused on how good each other looked. Oh and Johnny got to keep the outfit.

"You know what I need?" Johnny asked as him and Hayden quietly sat together while on their way back to the hotel to prepare for the concert.


"Coffee. I don't think I slept enough" Johnny said with a light chuckle

"Oh me too!" Hayden replied excitedly

"It doesn't seem like you need it" Johnny said with s giggle

"Well I like the taste so I'm gonna drink with you anyway" Hayden said crossing his arms in a playful way "And there's nothing you can do about it"

John's smile widen as he shook his head and looked out his window. Johnny couldn't get Hayden out of his mind. Hayden's smile, Hayden's smell, Hayden's touch... it all just couldn't leave his mind. Johnny had never felt this before, well he had thought he had never felt it before. But he did, once, in fifth grade, with a boy who sat next to him everyday. Though, then, he didn't know it was a crush... then Johnny didn't know what it was... with Hayden though... he just knew. John let out a shaky breath as he continued to stare out the window until they arrived at their destination.


Three days. It had been three days since Hayden had arrived in Texas and spent every moment with Johnny Orlando. A lot happened in those three days but it was nothing compared to the fourth day. The fourth day was the day that would the two would forever remember.

"Thank you guys!" Johnny said, out of breath, as the lights faded causing the concert stage to turn pitch black. His heart was racing, he was sweating and out of breath, it was the best feeling to him. The rush of a concert, the hype his fans had, the 'in the moment' endless energy, everything, and nothing tasted better than the cold water that his mother would hand him after.

Johnny gently wiped tiny drops of sweat from his forehead with the top of his shirt as he walked out of the building to the back. Ever since that special concert in Toronto it's became an after show tradition for Johnny to go out the back to get some air, and if he was being honest... it reminded him Hayden.


"Fu- Hayden!" Johnny shouted, startled as he pushed Hayden back roughly causing Hayden to laugh

"I.. I got you" He said through his laughs and moved back to his spot, right in front of Johnny, "Just like when we first met" Hayden said, his laugh fading and his face turning serious. Just like when they first met his heart was beating fast.

By now both, Johnny and Hayden, were silent. No smiles, no laughing... just peaceful silence and eye gazing. Hayden's eyes flickered to Johnny's lips before quickly going back to his eyes. Johnny nervously took his hand place it in Hayden's, who gladly took it. John's cheeks went red but fortunately for him it was dark. Their faces slowly grew closer and Johnny stumbled back and his body gently hit the side of the building, Hayden stepped closer and now their faces here even closer, inches close. So close that they could feel each other's warm breath, which neither seemed to mind.

"Kiss me" Johnny whispered as he looked at Hayden's lips and back into his eyes and that's when he saw Hayden's eyes light up and a small smile from just before he leaned his head in and placed his soft lips onto Johnny's. John immediately fell right into it, kissing back softly and placing his hand on Hayden's back.


authors note
i am so sorry
for how long this
took but i really
hope it was worth it (:

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