VIII. ignored texts and aching hearts

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      JOHNNY ORLANDO STARED at his phone, more specifically, at Hayden's contact information. The seventeen year old gently bit his lip as he contemplated on whether or not he should text Hayden or maybe even call him. Was it too soon? Did he even want to talk to him? Johnny couldn't decide what to do so with a sigh he turned his phone off and gently tossed it beside him, the phone landing on the pillow which was placed flat down on the gray pull out couch on which Johnny was sitting. John looked up at the ceiling of his hotel room in California as he felt bad about feeling excited that this was last show before returning home to Canada.
Maybe if he just waited until he was there in person with Hayden, things would go better... but Johnny was very impatient.

After his final show, Johnny went back to his hotel room to repack his suitcase and eat a quick meal before his mother came to pick him up. As Johnny ate his meal, which didn't really count as meal as it was only a pre made chicken salad and a string cheese stick that he ordered from room service, he once again stared at his phone, this time though, he made the choice of texting Hayden. "Hey Hayden(:" John typed and hesitantly hit send, immediately after he an overwhelming feeling of regret rushed over his body.

Meredith Orlando drove as both her and her son sat in complete silence. While Meredith was focused on the road, Johnny was focused on his phone, waiting for Hayden to reply. "What's so important?" His mother suddenly asked, drawing John's attention from his phone to his mom.

"Oh, uh, nothing, just bored" He lied as he shut his phone off and slid it into his jean pocket.

"Hm, sure" Meredith said with a small smile "Anyway, Lauren's back home, waiting for us. She's missed you"

"Yeah, I've missed her too" John replied in a flat tone. He did miss his sister but he was too worried about the kiss he shared with Hayden to give any thought as to how responded to anyone.

Meredith knew something was up with her son however, she didn't want to pry, he was after all seventeen and had his own life, his own issues that she couldn't help with. "The plane ride shouldn't be too long"

"Mkay" Johnny said, shaking his leg and pulled out his phone immediately checking to see if Hayden replied. To the dirty blondes disappointment he
saw that Hayden read his message, meaning he purposely ignored Johnny's text. And even though it shouldn't have, that made his heart ache so much that the feeling was unrecognizable to Johnny, it felt like his heart was being pushed down into his gut with a hot hammer.

"Johnny!" Lauren shouted with a smile as she ran up to her slightly older brother as he and their mother exited the car and pulled him into a hug. "How was your shows?" Lauren kindly asked as she continued to hug her brother

"They were good"

"Hm.." Lauren said as she pulled away from John "Okay" She added, clearly not believing him.

"Look, I'm tired and I know you missed me but I've really got to go rest" Johnny told his sister and before she could even reply he was already walking inside of their home

"Mom... what's wrong with Johnny?" Lauren asked with a little worry in her tone

"I'm not sure hon, he'll be okay though" Meredith answered.

Johnny gently closed the door to his room and let out a sigh of relief as he threw himself onto his bed and laid there flatly feeling nothingness fill his body and his heart.


authors note
really short i know
but hey two chapters
in two days !? you're
welcome , well actually
i did it become i'm going
on 'vacation' and probably
won't be able to update):

strawberries & cigarettes ➸ johayden Where stories live. Discover now