II. ew

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"GOOD AFTERNOON TORONTO!" Johnny Orlando said loudly into his microphone. "Are you guys ready for the show?" The audience yelled and cheered and a smile appeared on Johnny's face. He loved this so much. It warmed his heart each and every time and each and every time it felt just as exciting as the very first time he preformed.

The music to Waste My Time started to play "Who's ready for a classic?" he said and in response he got cheerful screams and so then Johnny prepared to sing "Always such a rush. I'm all good when I'm by your side"

Hayden lit his first cigarette of the night and took in a deep puff, waiting a long 6 seconds before exhaling the toxic smoke and coughing a little. His body still wasn't used to smoking yet, then again he had only been doing since his 16th birthday.

The curly haired boy took in yet another puff before pulling out his phone and googled 'Johnny Orlando'. Hayden's eyebrow went up slightly at how different Johnny looked than what he thought. He was expecting loser looking boy and not... well what he saw.

"Hey!" A man with a security badge on his shirt shouted as he briskly walked up to Hayden with a mad expression "No smoking on this lot" he said sternly

"I don't see no sign that says I can't" Hayden said nonchalantly

The man pointed to a sign that read 'No Smoking' on the far left of the parking lot

Hayden took in another puff and held it for second before exhaling it close to the guards face "Okay whatever. Where can I then"

"Over there" the security guard said pointing to sidewalk by the parking lot

"Dude that's basically the road. Why can't I just do it here? What's the big deal?"

"The big deal is its against the rules. No leave before I make you leave"

"Fine" Hayden gave in as he hopped of the roof of his car and pushed the burning tip of the cigarette onto the concrete ground instantly putting out the cigarette. "You can go now"

The security man scoffed and walked away back to his post at the front door. Hayden got into his car and drove out of the lot and pulling into the back lot where the security guard couldn't see him. Once he parked he got out and lit another cigarette. He shook his head and laughed under his breathe thinking about how ridiculous that guy was being as he took a puff.

Lights faded on the stage as Johnny exited for his break. Though he loved performing John also loved his breaks. He walked into his favorite place, backstage. Backstage had everything, food, drink, a couch. Johnny walked up to the food bar to grab his favorite mini steak sandwiches only to be sadden when he saw that they weren't there

"Hey where's the steak sandwiches?" He asked his mother who was standing in the corner getting his photos ready to be signed after the show.

"I don't know honey. They might still be outside" Meredith said not losing focus on what she was doing. "Don't worry though they're still good so don't freak out"

"I won't freak out mom" Johnny said with a smile before he left backstage through another door to avoid crowds of fans.

John closed the door behind him as the cool air hit his pale skin although it didn't effect him because he was used to the chilliness... after all he grew up there. As he turned his body around to walk forward but he was startled by a curly haired boy "ah! shit you scared me"

"Whoa Johnny Orlando cusses"

"You're not suppose to be back here" Johnny said completely ignoring what the boy had said "And you definitely can't smoke here"

"What's up with everyone telling me I can't smoke tonight" Hayden said with a smirk

"I don't know but you really shouldn't be back here, you could get in trouble"

"Are you gonna tell?" Hayden asked raising his eyebrow and standing from his car

"Well I guess not... what are you even doing out here?" Johnny answered. He knew the teenager wasn't harming anyone by sitting there all alone.

"A guard said I couldn't smoke in the front parking lot but he didn't say anything about back here" Hayden stepped closer to Johnny "Want a hit?" he whispered

"Ew" Johnny said as he took a step back "Those things are gross"

"Oh" Hayden said flatly "Well do you want some candy?"

"My mom taught me to never take candy from a stranger"

Hayden laughed and to Johnny's surprise he smiled because his laugh was just so adorable "What are you five?" Hayden said with a smile "I'm Hayden. See not a stranger anymore" Hayden reached in his pocket and pulled out his strawberry airhead that was a little warm but not melted yet and reached it out for Johnny to take

"No thank you, I have steak sandwiches to get"

"Ew that sounds awful"

"Okay rude" Johnny said pretending to be offended "They are so delicious"

"This is delicious" Hayden replied holding up the airhead

Johnny  took the candy opening it and tearing off a bite as he chewed the chewy candy that got stuck between his teeth in an uncomfortable way "Happy?" Johnny said with a playful smile as he continued to chew the candy.

Hayden chuckled and shook his head "I like you Orlando"

"Wait.. why are you alone?" Johnny asked as he swallowed the airhead

"My girlfriend and her friends are inside but I personally thought you were too lame to see... guess I was wrong... Oh and not sound like a fan girl but I need a picture to brag about to Jessie"

"Okay let's do it" Johnny said as he walked over to Hayden and put his hand around his shoulder, warm-ness immediately hitting the spot causing Hayden's entire body to warm up and his heart to race a little faster "Get your phone out dork" Hayden listened to Johnny and pulled his phone out and Johnny grabbed it from his hands without permission "Smile" he said quickly before snapping the picture. Hayden wasn't ready so of course he looked terrible however Johnny didn't think so

"Dude that's not cool, I look like shit"

"Whoa Hayden I don't know your last name cusses" Johnny mocked

"Nice" Hayden smiled "Summerall"

"Hayden Summerall" Johnny said "That's a memorable name... Do you have insta? I have to get back to the show but I'd love to talk to you more so dm me" Johnny said as he started to walk away not letting Hayden get the chance to reply

"Wait" Hayden said but Johnny was already gone leaving him missing him. Hayden's never missed someone right after he met them... not even Jessie, in all honesty he doesn't even miss Jessie when she's gone.


authors note
this wasn't great but
johayden kiss next chapter

strawberries & cigarettes ➸ johayden Where stories live. Discover now