Nine - Distraction for the Distraction

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New York City - Earth


"Where are you going?" Thor had asked Sigyn when she confirmed she would not be joining him and Rocket on the Asgard mission.

"The Battle of New York."

Thor instantly felt foolish; he should have guessed. "Loki." She nodded. "If you come with us you can just bust him out of prison."

"Perhaps, but I think catching him before that is critical. Perhaps if I can catch Loki right after the incident, maybe then he won't impersonate Odin, Ragnarok won't happen, and Asgard won't be lost.  Perhaps it's a long shot, but I have to try. I want to save all of Asgard, but I miss him... Maybe it makes me selfish." She was getting choked up.

"You don't have to explain it to me."

"I miss my best friend."

Thor wrapped her up in a hug.  "And I miss my brother." He pulled away to look down at her.  "Go. Do your best."

"I will. You too."

"I shall."

"And give Asgard my love."

"I will."

And so she did just that, joining the others in the 2012 mission.

Bruce and Kat would go and retrieve the Time Stone while Sigyn, Steve, Tony, Kass, and Scott would go track down the Space and Mind Stones.

Tony flew himself, Kass, and a now tiny Scott up to the main floor of Stark Tower.

"We're just wrapping up here," Tony notified Cap through the radio.

"Copy that."

"Mr. Rogers, I forgot that that suit did nothing for your ass..."

"No one told you to look, Tony."

"Oh, we're all looking," said Kass. "And speaking of asses... Mr. Stark-"

"I'm going to intervene."

"I think you look great, Cap," said Scott. "As far as I'm concerned, that's America's ass!" He gave a little salute.

"You know, you're really small, but you're talking really loud," Tony told him. "Alright, you're up little buddy. There's our Stone. Babe, you ready to back this up?"

"You need a thief, and I'm your woman for the job."

"Alright, flick me!" Tony flicked Scott, who went flying into the case containing the Stone. Tony flew back out the window while Kass made sure to follow the S.T.R.I.K.E. team with the Stone, standing by in case Cap needed help retrieving it.

The 2012 Avengers had taken the elevator down, so she took the stairs. Only, 2012 Hulk must not have fit in the elevator with the others, for he came grumbling down the stairs.

Kass searched for her nearest exit, finding it in a doorway leading onto another floor. She took it, rounding the corner and almost bumping right into-


2012 Tony.

He stared at her. "Kass?"


"What are you doing here?"

"I broke in, what else do you think?"

"Yeah, but why?"

SLAP! She struck him across the face. "That's for flying a nuke through a wormhole into space," she told him.

"Uhhh." He held his now red cheek. "Okay..."

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