Five - Beaten and Broken

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"Tony?" Kass came over to where Tony had curled up in the pilot's seat of the ship. He was looking sickeningly pale, his face thinning. 

He didn't stir, not even when she placed a gentle hand on his arm.

Her heart jolted - no, no this wasn't it, she was not going to lose him like this. "Tony? Tony!" 

She shook him a little, and then breathed a heavy sigh of relief when his eyes fluttered open ever-so-slightly.  "Oh, thank God! I thought you were-" She didn't want to say it. 

"N-no. I-I'm here..." He reached his hand up to cover hers on his arm, but it looked like even that gesture took a lot of energy and effort.   "You okay?"

"Yeah, don't worry about me.  I'm here." She took his hand and kissed it.  "Just stay with me."

"Always..." His breathing was laboured.  "Y-you're glowing..."

"What?" But then she noticed the inside of the ship was becoming illuminated, slowly but steadily, with a warm golden glow. But by what?

Turning around and peering out the window, an astonishing sight met her eyes. 


Avengers Facility, Upstate New York - Earth


It turned out that Tony, along with Kass, had gone to space and fought Thanos there, and had spent the last several weeks stranded out in the abyss of the galaxy - they had not been lost to the Snap himself, as the other Avengers were beginning to fear. Carol, thankfully, located them, and not a moment too soon - Tony was on the brink of death.

"Oh my God-" Pepper watched as Tony, Kass, and the blue-skinned woman descended down from the ship. Thank goodness none of them had been  alone.

Kass and Nebula helped Tony walk, until Cap and Carol took over.  Nebula headed back into the ship, calling, "We need help here too."

Thor, Nat and Nora went to go assist her in carrying three unconscious women off the ship.

"Sigyn!" Thor rushed to his friend's side, one of the unconscious.

"And Master Ekaterina, and Envydora, daughter of Thanos," Nebula informed.

"My God..." Nora exclaimed.  Three more, that made six, six unconscious, eight altogether including herself and Kass.  Seven identical, different women.  "Are there only eight of them, of us?"

"That we know of, yeah," said Nat.

"What happened to them?"

"They just passed out, just fell over..." Tony tried to explain. Just like Kalyna, Karen, and Sascha, who all lay in the medical wing, about to be joined by the others.

"Shh, Tony, it's okay, you're okay now," Kass tried to assure him.

"She's right, Tony, you're safe now," said Steve. 

"Couldn't stop him," Tony forced out.

"Neither could I," admitted Steve. "But you're okay now-"

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