Four - The World is in Pieces and I'm Reunited With My Ex

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Avengers Facility, Upstate New York - Earth


Since the initial Snap, the global death toll had sky-rocketed, and was still only rapidly going up.

"Bloody hell," mumbled Nora, watching the numbers increasing on the screen before them.

"This is a nightmare," sighed Cap, rubbing a hand over his tired, scruffy face.

"I've had better nightmares," said Nat with such certainty it was chilling.

"Hey-" Rhodey appeared in the doorway then.  "So that thing just stopped doing whatever the hell it was doing."

"Oh, no, no, no-" Nora hurried to the lab, Cap and Nat in tow, where Bruce, now in a lab coat and glasses, was assessing the pager. 

"What about the ladies?" Cap asked, meaning the look-alikes.

"Thor's watching over them."

"What have we got here?" Nat asked him.

"Whatever signal it was sending finally crapped out."

"I thought we bypassed the battery," said Cap.

"We did," Rhodey told him.  "It's still plugged in, it just, well, stopped."

"Oh, come on, come on-" Nora held out her hand, attempting to imbue the pager with magic.  The pager took hold of the magical energy she offered, but it didn't go back on.

"Reboot it, send it again," ordered Cap.

"Look, we don't even know what this is," cautioned Bruce.

"Fury did. Just reboot it, please," Nat requested.  "And tell me the second you get a signal.  I want to know exactly who's on the other end of this thing."

"Yeah, that's the thing.  We don't know who's on the other end."

"I do." The others turned to face Nora.

"You do?"

"Yeah... An old ally, an old - friend. Carol Danvers. Trust me, we need to keep that signal going no matter what."

"What's so special about this Danvers that Fury would have her on a direct line?" asked Rhodey.

"Everything-" The word was out of Nora's mouth before she could even process what she was saying. Real subtle, Nora. As always. If she was this flustered just talking about Carol, she was going to be a complete and utter mess when Carol arrived, but then again, she always was around Carol, no surprise there.

If Carol arrived...

No, she would. Fury had this pager for a reason, and if Thanos really did wipe out not only half of all the life on Earth but in the universe as well, then Carol would know. Besides, Carol and Fury were close, so she wouldn't just ignore a call from him, let alone a distress call.

"Just trust me. If we have this Thanos as an enemy, then we need Danvers as an ally."

"Well, if what you say is true - even if it's not - I want to talk to this Danvers as soon as she gets here-" Nat turned around and jumped.

Everyone jumped. Upon spinning around to find someone standing there. An unfamiliar someone, an unfamiliar woman in a suit of red, blue, and gold armour.

"Where's Fury?" the woman asked.

There was a moment of collective stunned silence.

"Well, that was fast," mumbled Rhodey.

"Where's Director Fury?" the woman - everyone was beginning to guess who she was - pressed again. "And why were you talking about me?"

"You're Danvers?" said Cap.

"Yes, I am."

"How did you get here so fast?"

"I flew."

"You flew?"


"In a plane?" asked Cap.

"No, I just flew. The signal I received came from a pager that I gave Nick Fury years ago, only for emergencies. And judging by what I've been witnessing, it's a definite emergency. Where is he?"

"H-he's not here." Nora stepped forward. "He was one of the victims."

Carol's eye's widened. "Nora-"

"Hey, Space-girl."

"I-I almost didn't recognize you."

"Yeah, the unlocking of my powers gave me permanent coloured contacts and hair dye."

"Oh, thank God you're alright-" A small smile played on Carol's lips. "Why didn't you tell me you're not actually a Doctor?"

"Oh, shut up."

Both teary-eyed, the two women hugged.

"I thought you were gone too, when you didn't answer the signal."

"Nope, just many galaxies away."

"I wish this were under better circumstances."

"Me too."

"Ah hem." Cap cleared his throat, breaking the women's trance.

"Sorry to interrupt, but excuse me, Ma'am-"

"I heard you were always the gentleman, Rogers. It's 'Captain', actually, Captain. Captain Carol Danvers."

"Okay, Captain Danvers. Where did you come from?"

"Up there." Carol pointed.  "As in up in space."

"Okay. Not the craziest thing I've heard, believe it or not."

"Oh I believe it. Trust me."

"What's the status up there?"

"What's happening here isn't just happening here. It's universal."

"Jesus Christ..." This did nothing to brighten the already tense mood.

"Well," sighed Cap. "Welcome to the Avengers."


"Morning Doc."

Nora jumped slightly when Carol floated by as she walked downstairs to the kitchen the next morning.

"Bloody show off."

Carol chuckled and floated down to walk the rest of the way with her.

"I missed you," Carol said suddenly after walking in comfortable silence for a few moments. Even after years apart they were still at ease around each other.

Nora always thought she would be the one to say it first. "You did?"

"Of course I did, Nora. Of course."

"I just figured up in space you'd be doing more exciting things and wouldn't have time to think of me, let alone miss my mundane life on earth."

Luckily the kitchen was empty when they arrived. They took a seat across from each other at the table, focused only on each other, not on breakfast. Not even, for a moment, on the mess Thanos had created. "I thought about you every day."

"Me too," Nora admitted. "About you. Every day."

"For the past four years."

Nora nodded. They reached across the table and interlaced the fingers of one hand, sharing a small smile.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Carol told her. "So, so, glad."

Nora squeezed her hand. "I'm so glad too, same for you."

And for a moment, just a moment, it was as if no time had passed at all.

(Yay, Carol's back on earth! :) Love her!

Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :))

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