Eleven - A Quick Little Detour

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New York City - Earth


"Did you seriously just give up one of the Stones? When we literally had it!" Tony could not believe what Steve had done.

"What the hell just happened?" asked Scott. 

"Steve, you're killing me here, buddy!" Tony rubbed a hand over his face. "They couldn't seriously need it more than we do right now!"

"No, maybe not, but I have a gut feeling that it's in good hands."

"What, in the hands of Reindeer Games? But not in our  own hands, where it needs to be." Tony cursed under his breath. "So now what? I'm assuming you have a plan considering that you just let exactly what we needed go.  Or at least I'm hoping. We need that Stone or else no one's going home."

"But we can't get the Stone without going somewhere else to get it and we don't have enough Particles," said Scott.

"Exactly. So we'd need to go somewhere with both the Stone and the Particles - hang on a second..." Tony sighed.  "Son of a-"

"What, you know of a time and place where that happened?" asked Kass.

"Yeah, I think I do." Tony sighed in disbelief.  

"You know where we need to go?"


"Scott, you take this, please." Cap handed off Loki's sceptre containing the Mind Stone to a very confused Scott.

"Captain Steve? Sorry, America, Rogers.  Sorry. What's going on?"

"So, where exactly are we going?" Steve asked Tony.

"You'll know it, I think. But once we find it, I'm  taking care of the Stone. 


"Kassy, you need to come with us. We're gonna need a thief again."

"Alright. Where are we going?"

"What about me?" asked Scott. 

"Do you trust me?" Tony held out his hand to Steve who shook it.  

"I do."


New Jersey - Earth


Abandoning Scott in the aftermath of the Battle of New York in 2012 wasn't ideal, especially not while they skipped back to 1970.  But this was meant to be just a quick detour. 

"Hey, I thought I was doing the suit," Kass said when she walked out of the ladies room after changing into her disguise, a black pantsuit. Tony was wearing a suit as well, while Steve was wearing an army uniform.

"It's fine. We'll be one of those couples who dress the same."

"Good luck," said Steve.

"Thanks, you too." With that, they split up.

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