Eight - Time Waits For No One

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Fairburn, Georgia 


"I figured it out, by the way."

Kass looked up from her laptop.  "Oh... And just so we know we're talking about the same thing-"

"Time travel.  I figured it out," Tony stated.

Now Kass gawked. "O-okay... Wow..."


"That's, that's amazing, and terrifying."

"Yeah." He sat down next to her on the couch.  "Tell me, honestly."

She appeared torn. "We got really lucky."

"Yes, we did."

"And this really complicates things cause I think I might be - pregnant..." 

Now it was his turn to gawk. "You think, or you're sure?"

"I'm sure, I don't know why I said 'I think'. Actually yeah, I do, it's cause I'm freaking out-" She buried her face in her hands.  

"Hey, hey-" Tony took her hands. "We're gonna have a baby?"

"Yeah, yeah we are."

Tony was now all smiles.  "That's amazing!"

"Yeah, it is. We got really lucky," she repeated.  "A lot of people didn't."

His expression turned serious again. "Nope, can't help everybody."

"But it sort of seems like maybe you can now..."

"Not if I stop. Right now."

"But do you want to stop? Tony, trying to get you to stop has been one of the few failures of my life. And Pepper's. And Rhodey's. And Happy's." They shared a chuckle.  "I love you, and support you."

"I don't know... Bring everyone back? I hope so.  Keep what I found -  I have to, at all costs. Especially now." He pulled her close to him.  "But something tells me I should put it in a lockbox and drop it to the bottom of the lake and go to bed."

"But would you be able to rest? What would be stopping you from diving down there tomorrow and retrieving it again?" They both knew the answer.

She sighed again. "I feel like I stole life from a lot of people.  I mean, why did I live and not them? I never felt guilty about stealing before but now, I've never felt more guilty about stealing something I didn't mean to steal." 

"Hey, you have nothing to feel guilty about," he assured her.

"Maybe not." She leaned into him.  "We got really lucky," she reminded him again.  "Really lucky."

In the end, after long consideration, Tony ended up tossing the time travel device into the lake and eventually coming to bed.

In the middle of the night, she wasn't sure exactly what time, Kass awoke to find Tony's side of the bed empty.  Getting up and going over to the window she saw the outside lights were on, illuminating the lake.

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