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Before creation itself, there were six singularities

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Before creation itself, there were six singularities. Then, the universe exploded into existence and the remnants of those systems were forged into concentrated ingots: reality, time, space, power, soul, and mind.

Infinity Stones.

The Elders of the Universe arose at the same time, the most powerful among them a remnant of the Stones themselves: the Stonekeeper, Lady Infinity, Adonia.

She and the Stones shared a special bond: both were born of each other's power, forged of the same power, and so directly connected. Anything that harmed her would harm the Stones, and anything that harmed the Stones would, in turn, harm her. And should they ever be destroyed, she would die along with them, and for all they knew, so would the universe they represented. They needed each other to survive.

Over the millennia, many beings tried to obtain one or more Stones, eager to harness their infinite power, and some of the most ambitious even sought all six at once. But all fell victim to the very power which they sought, not strong enough to wield such power, such a burden.

It quickly became clear to Adonia that the Stones were widely sought, and could easily fall into the wrong hands. She made it her life's goal to ensure that they never fell into such a grasp, although part of her knew that she could not keep them away forever...

(So here's just a little brief introduction to Adonia and the mythology surrounding her and the Stones in this story :) Part of this was taken from the Collector's explanation of the Stones in 'Guardians of the Galaxy', and I imagine a powerful cosmic being like him to narrate this prologue!

Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :))

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