Sixteen - Destiny Fulfilled

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The Soul Realm, the Soul Stone - Location Unknown


Instantly, everything was consumed by a bright, white light. When it faded, she stood in an orange plain, looking out at a vast, seemingly never-ending landscape. Her arm was still raised, her fingers still in the motion of performing her snap. 

She sensed the intense power of the Soul Stone, telling her that this was indeed inside the Soul Realm, the Soul World.  That and, she knew, of course, for before she had been awoken she had spent the last centuries trapped here. 

Up ahead, she saw it, something striking against the otherwise vast and plain horizon: their little hut from the Garden.  Slowly, she approached it.

Upon moving closer, she discovered that she was not alone here-

Thanos sat on the porch, his back to her, just like he had been that day in the Garden after he had brought her back using the Stones, after first using them to erase half of all life, looking out at a 'grateful' universe. 

"Come, sit with me, My Love," he said, just as he had that day. 

She did so, coming to sit beside him in silence.

They remained silent for some time, neither sure of how long.  After all, time wasn't exactly a factor here in this realm. 

At last, he spoke, breaking their silence.  "So, this is what it has come to?"

She didn't look at him, and instead continued to stare out at the vast orange emptiness. "It was always meant to come to this." 

"My destiny at last fulfilled, only to be shattered in an instant. The balance broken with it."

"It was not so perfectly balanced, as it turned out."

"For a time, it was. I succeeded."

"Was it?" Only then did she look at him.  "Tempting as it is, balance is not so easily achievable. But you came close, and that is remarkable."

"It was your goal, too. For a time it was ours."

"Until I gave up on it, realizing that I did not want it to be my goal. It was always yours. Never really ours."

"Father! Father-"

A familiar voice was speaking, calling out, and it pulled them out of the realm and back to reality. 


Avengers Facility, Upstate New York - Earth


"Father!" Nebula was hurrying across the battlefield towards them - the Avengers' gauntlet bearing the Stones clutched under her arm. "I have retrieved them, the Stones-" A sharp gasp escaped her lips and she stumbled to a halt when she saw Adonia. "M-Mother?" she cried after a moment of staring at her in disbelief.

Adonia smiled. "Hello, Daughter."


"In the past, my set of Stones were brought back together."

"B-but, this..." Nebula looked down at the gauntlet and Stones she was carrying. 

"It is all quite an enigma."

"Those are ours," cried Tony. He, Thor, and Steve now stood behind her, still battle-weary.

"Technically, they're mine," Adonia reminded him.

"Okay, technically, but we collected them."

"You're with them?" cried Nebula.

"You cannot even begin to understand them or their power, any of you.  Only I can do that. You've seen what they can do if they fall into the wrong hands." She turned back to her daughter and extended her hand.   "Nebula, give the glove to me."

"Daughter," said Thanos, his tone implying that she should hand it over to him as previously instructed. 

Now Nebula appeared torn, still clutching the gauntlet tightly while staring back and forth between her parents, her gaze lingering on her mother.

"Nebula!" cried Adonia, growing urgent.

Nebula looked at her mother.  "But this is your mission, too."

Adonia shook her head. "Not anymore."

"So this is what it comes to?" Thanos said, eyeing her.

She remained firm.  "Yes."

"Father, the fleet is ready to advance - what the-" Envy stopped in her approach and stared at Adonia, like Nebula had done, recognizing their similarity in appearance, but not recognizing this woman. "What the hell? Who are you?"

"Lady Infinity.  Keeper of the Infinity Stones."

"Well that explains a lot." The orange skinned, orange-haired alien continued to stare. "I-I don't understand."

"You will," Adonia assured her.  "Eventually, all will become clear."

Thanos chuckled. "There you go, speaking in riddles again."

"I always loved a good riddle."

"Mother, what is going on?" demanded Nebula.  

"That's not important right now-"

"I tend to disagree," piped up Tony.

Adonia ignored him.  "All that matters now is that you hand over the gauntlet and Stones, to me."

"To me." Thanos stepped forward.  "You were just starting to prove yourself, Daughter."

"Nebula, you always had potential," her mother assured her. "Follow what you believe. Do you really believe in all this?"

Nebula continued to look torn.

But even if she had made a decision, chosen a side, she didn't have the chance to act upon it.  Before anyone could react, Envy knocked her down. The gauntlet flew from her hands and Envy promptly scooped it up.  She held it out to Thanos.  "Father."

"No - AHH!" Before Adonia could attempt to do anything, she gave a pained cry and collapsed to her knees.

"Hey - what's happening?" cried Tony, he, Thor, and Steve kneeling by her side. 

"T-the S-Stones..." She managed to choke out.

Thanos now wore the glove, smiling in triumph.  "I am inevitable."

Adonia knew exactly what was about to happen.  "NO!"

But it was too late - he snapped his fingers. 

(And cue a cliffhanger! ;) Next chapter is the final one!

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed as always! :))

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