Thirteen - Bring Them Back

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Avengers Facility, Upstate New York - Earth


"BOO!" Rocket howled with laughter upon scaring Tony and Bruce, breaking their intense concentration while building their own gauntlet to house the Stones they had collected.

"God, what the hell?" sighed Tony.  He had been in the middle of arranging the Stones just so with the help of his tech.  There was no room here for mistakes.

The rest of the team was waiting, all suited up and ready, outside the lab in the common room area.  

"Sigyn found him then?" Thor asked Steve hopefully, hoping no one else had suffered Nat's fate. He had been quick to notice the other absence when they had all returned from their various missions.  He hadn't had the chance to ask about his friend since everyone had been dealing with the sudden news and aftermath of Nat's death. 

Steve nodded.

"Good. Hopefully she'll set him on a better path."

"Let's hope so."

Finally, their gauntlet was ready.   "We did it," Tony breathed.  "We really did it."

Everyone was so enamoured by the piece of armour and equally shocked and relieved that their mission had worked, that no one noticed when Nebula slipped silently out of the room. 

"All right, the glove's ready," announced Rocket.  "The question now is, who's gonna snap their frickin' fingers?"

"I'll do it." Thor was already waltzing over.

Steve and Tony were quick to protest.

"Whoa, whoa, just hang on a second there, Buddy-"

"No, wait!"

"Thor just wait, we haven't decided who's going to put it on yet," explained Steve.

But Thor was ready, and determined.  "Oh, I'm sorry, are we all just standing around here waiting for the right opportunity?  There's no time to waste!" 

But the others continued to hold him back. "We should at least discuss it," said Scott. 

"No, no, standing here staring at the thing isn't going to bring everyone back.  Now, as we all know, I am the strongest Avenger-"

"Oh, boy."

"Here we go again..."

Thor ignored them.  "-And, seeing as I am, the responsibility of this falls upon me, it's my duty-" Tony tried to intervene again but this time Thor snapped at him. "No, no! Shhhhhh! Stop it! Just let me - just let me do something good, something great, please." He was still feeling tremendous guilt for not killing Thanos when he had the chance. 

"Listen Buddy, it's not just the fact that that glove is channeling enough energy to light up a continent, I'm telling you, you are in no condition to do this," Tony told him.  "I'm sorry but I can't put you at risk like that."

But Thor was still insistent.  "What do you think is coursing through my veins right now?"

"Cheez Whiz?" suggested Rhodey. 

"Lightning! It's Lightning!"

"Your lightning won't help you here, Pal," spoke up Bruce.  "It's gotta be me."


"You saw what those Stones did to Thanos. Almost killed him. None of you could survive."

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