chapter 11

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In this chapter the author's voice is more...hehe cuz i'm gonna guide her...

//hana p.o.v//
I went home after leaving minju in am i going to do now??
"haha...r u alone now?"
'why do you care...nd u write my fate reaaaallllyyyyy bad!'
"ohh sweetheart wait till u mee-- nooo i mean everything is gonna be okay..."
' so what do u think i should do now?? '
"uhhh what about that idol thing??? Maybe u could practise for it cause everybody joined already..." 'oops did i jus tell her??'
' what....who joined??'
"nooo i mean there are soo many competitors waiting for that place...sooo better practise hard"
'okieeee...but where should i audition??'
*smirk*..."why not.......SM! Nd i'm gonna guide you from now on cause look....u don't have anyone to help you"
'dude u look like a evil when u u better stop that'
"haha...shut up before i kick u out..*pout*"
'ok ok i'm soweeee so what song am i gonna dance or sing for???'
"Mmm....uhh why not... boombayah?"
'i think i'm gonna try for rapper...what do u think?'
"ok...that's up to u!sooo now let me me later after u practise"

Ohhhh get lost.....i'm gonna be free again.
"uhhuhhh sweetheart don't get too happy cause i can hear u~~~"

Ufff watever...i started my practise becuz as the author said its gonna be hard for me to compete with the time i finished it was already evening so i went to shower and changed into pjs and went my couch laid down.i switched on the tv and the soft music started playing. i've never seen this song in my whole life. Its 'the truth untold' from bts???? I think they're idols too.

I went my room and opened my laptop.i wanted to know about them...cuz they look soooooo CUTE AND HOT AT THE SAME TIME.....
"haha you're fangirling...."
'yahh! Look at them... you yourself will fall for them."
*mind voice* i already fell for them dude...
"alright,alright stop now..."
'yupp soo u like bts don't yaa??'
"should i answer?? Cuz u r already wasting my time"
'oww meanie~~'
Even tho i didn't want to know the fangirl inside me asked...
"uhh....*cough*Mmm....sooo who do u bias??"
"you no need to answer me! Imma going byeee"
'yahh wait...don't goo!!i'll tell yaa'
*nail biting inside but acts cool outside*
' its.....'

"WOAHH....THAT'S AMAZING!😍 but wait...not taehyung?"
'taehyung?? Yea he is cute but JIMIN he is sooOO IDK i like him alot cuz he is soft and looks like smol ange--'
"ugghh...i better go!" sooo if she is not the one for taehyung then who is it???....

Hahaha...byee!i looked at the clock it was 12CLK already if i dont sleep now i'll get dark circles tomorrow. i closed my laptop and fell on my bed with a THUD! owww this bed is not so comfortable but still i dozed off to sleep.

"ahhh jinjja!! is she still sleeping?? Ughh wake up hana its getting late..."
I slowing open my eyes and it was 10clk in the morning...anyways i don't have anything to do so i better sleep again.
"ahhh get your a-- up its gonna be late"
'late??? For what??'
"for your audition dear.."
'is it today??'
"yes it is!"

I rushed inside the bathroom and showered quickly.i came out and picked up a random dress to wear.

i came out and picked up a random dress to wear

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I ran out and started walking to was not soo far.after a 10 minutesof walking i stood out the building in is soo huge!
"close your mouth...or you're gonna catch flies"

Haha...i closed my mouth and went in

I'm confused already nd i didn't know where to go...i chose some random stairs nd there it was....audition room! I went in nd saw everybodies heads were focusing me...(O////O) i introduced myself and started my performance...i was not soo good at singing this vocal parts but i was good at rapping!

I did my best at the vocal parts but it was not soo good but i wanted to gain their trust by my rapping when it was the rapping i put my heart and soul in it and did my highest level best and danced for the vocal parts.when i finished i heard smol claps but it stoped when the director coughed...he told me to wait out!

I was so nervous standing like a lost puppy.
"don't worry kiddo u did your best!"
'but still they're not satisfied..'
"Mmm...wait here i'll see what i can do.."

//Author's p.o.v//
Haha atlast i have my own p.o.v...i went in to see what was going on.why its taking so long!

I heard them talking...
Director(d):yea she is good at rapping but her vocal is really bad...
Staff(s):but sir! She is really good in rapping.
D: i'm not satisfied! And ITS FINAL..
S :....uhh ok sir

Uhhuhh....this is not going the way i thought.Mmmm....what can i do think..think..think... Ahhhh tats it yay!! I snaped my finger(like how thanos does hehehe) i guess i can change anyone's fate in my book.everyone paused for a minute and looked confused but still they called hana inside and i can see smol Teardrop in her eyes ready go fall down.ohhh hana~~ suprise!!!

//hana p.o.v//
I went in to see most of them with confused look and others with a smol smile...wats going on?? When i left everyone was like they were going to throw me out but now???did she do this?? I saw her smirking....ok for the 1st time i smiled at her.

They told that i was selected!woahh all of this happened soo fast.i went home and thought about it.
D:pack your things you'll be leaving tomorrow soo be ready
In the will come nd get you...
I jus nodded
I thought about everything and started packing things...i was tired with all this packing.when i finished i hugged my suitcase nd slept...
"eww...does this gurl snore??"

Sooo...its like 5 member group!
nxt onwards its mostly 'eunjae' p.o.v ....i just thought everything is fixed nd happy moments forever.......but it doesn't always goes our way!
Anywaysssss.....plzzz vote nd comment about your thoughts.i'm always here to listen or maybe read.....
Uhhhh TATA!! Saranghae~~ lovely readers....UwU

Written on:09.05.19

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