5 | The Semester Starts

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5 | The Semester Starts

Tuesday, September 5, 2017



Willingly taking a class with a roommate you don't know too well who is intent on flirting with every boy in the general vicinity.


            You're going to come across two different kinds of people when you're picking out classes for your freshman year of college:

1.     The people who swear that 8 AM classes are the way to go because then you get everything out of the way early on and have the rest of your day to yourself. (1)

2.     The people who swear that 8 AM classes are the devil reincarnated and that they would rather bathe in fire than take them.

The second group of people are the sane ones, and the first group are the ones that you find running marathons for fun. (2)

            I listened to both of these types of people while selecting my classes. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I had 8 AM classes, but not on Mondays, Wednesdays, or Fridays. Unfortunately, due to Labor Day, my first-ever day of freshman classes began on a Tuesday—and thus, began with me waking up at 6:30 AM.

            I was ready to walk out the door by 7:30 and headed straight to Nutrition—which I was taking as my Biology credit since I hated science with a passion—only to arrive fifteen minutes early.

            I made a mental note of that.

            Class started and ended, and I made my way to a different building for my 9:30 class, walking up to Madison standing outside waiting for me.

            We had the same class every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30-10:45. American Government and Politics, or, as I would come to fondly refer to it as, "that Poli Sci class that I'm failing."

            "Hey! Did you have any classes before this?" I asked as I walked up, still worried she was gonna hit me or something if I asked anything she didn't like.

            "Yeah, Econ. But I think I'm probably going to drop it when I get back to the apartment today, the professor won't let us bring in laptops and that's the only way I'm taking notes." She rolled her eyes, "How about you?"

            "Yeah, I had Nutrition." I said, "It seems like a decent class. Hopefully nothing too hard."

            Lies. I would end up getting my worst grades for the semester in Nutrition and American Government and Politics. Must have been the time that I got up to take them.

            "That's good." Madison nodded as we walked into the building and found our classroom: a giant lecture hall with over a hundred kids already sitting there, laptops out and clicking away.

            "We could probably find a seat in the back." I suggested. I hated sitting in the front of anything.

            Madison, evidently, did not agree, as she looked at me like I was a Martian. (3)

            "We should definitely sit towards the front." She rolled her eyes, "Anyone who sits in the back probably doesn't care about their education."

            Ouch. (4)

            She led us to a spot in the fifth row out of thirty, three and four seats from the end. I went along with it; I was sure that as the semester went on she would be less inclined to be front and center all the time. (5)

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