Chapter 1

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 Chapter 1

Sitting on the side of my tub, I look at the test in my hands and the two pink lines. Shit. How am I going to tell him? My dad is going to kill him...and me, Sophia Trager is a dead, knocked up woman walking. I've been hooking up with a member of my dad's club for the last six months now and he's been amazing. Hell, I've fallen completely in love with the goofy Puerto Rican. But how will Juice handle this news? I head out the door and to my doctor to confirm and after confirming, I have my ultrasound pictures in hand telling me that I am currently eight weeks pregnant with Juice's baby.

Pulling up to the clubhouse, I see Juice standing at the picnic table talking to Jax. "What's up brother?" Juice asks Jax. "Shit. Wendy's pregnant man. What am I going to do?" Jax asks. "Shit. Sorry man. But better you than me brother." Juice says. I stop in my tracks. I turn around and run back to my car and peel off the lot. Pulling up to my house, I run inside. I guess now I know how he'll react, I think to myself as the tears fall. Deciding what I need to do, I pack everything I can into three duffle bags and write a letter to my dad to leave on the coffee table because I know he will be by tonight like he is every night.


I am so sorry. I messed up and I can't fix it. Please don't be mad at me but I have to go. I can't explain right now but I promise I will someday. I don't know where I'm going but please know that I will be safe. I love you Daddy an I am so sorry if I disappointed you. I never meant to.

Your Lady Bug

Getting into my car, I head out of Charming and several hours later I am in San Francisco. Checking into the hotel, I left my contract phone at home and bought a burner. I turn in for the night, knowing that tomorrow I have to find a job and a doctor.

My dad pulls up to my house and knocks but gets no answer. Walking in, he looks around, calling out for me. "Sophia? You here Lady Bug?" he calls out but doesn't get an answer and doesn't find me, he walks to the living room and sees the note on the coffee table. Picking it up, he takes out his phone and calls Clay. "Brother, Soph's gone...No, she left a note. She's gone man. My kid's gone." he says, sitting down on my couch with his head in his hands. A few minutes later, the entire club is in my living room. "Why did she leave?" Jax asks. "I don't know. All the note says is she messed up and she didn't want to disappoint me. She could never disappoint me." Tig says as the tears start to fall and Bobby sits beside him, hand on his shoulder for support. "Juice, track her phone." Clay says. "No need." Tig says, sliding my phone onto the coffee table. None of the guys knowing where to go from here.

Waking up the next morning, I hit the want ads and make some calls. By the end of the day, I have an office job and a new doctor. Now let's hope that I can stay hidden from the club. Laying down that night in the hotel bed, I place my hand on my stomach and say "I'm so sorry little bug." as the tears start to fall. I spend the rest of the night in that bed, sobbing for the life that I wish would have happened.

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