Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

***One Month Later***

Standing in Gemma's kitchen, looking through the blinds to the garden where there is a makeshift altar and I see Juice standing there waiting on me and he's holding Mateo. I look at my dad and he asks "Are you ready?" I nod my head yes and we hear the music start. Walking down the makeshift aisle, Juice looks at me and smiles. As my dad walks me to Juice, he takes Mateo from Juice as he places my hand in Juice's. "Who gives this woman away to be married?" the Justice of the Peace asks. "The club and I do." my dad says before moving to sit down next to Gemma and Clay. Juice takes both of my hands in his and he whispers "You look beautiful." The JOP asks "Do you Juan Carlos Ortiz take Sophia Rose Trager to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Juice looks at me and says "I do." The JOP looks at me and says "Do you Sophia Rose Trager take Juan Carlos Ortiz to be your lawfully wedded husband?" I smile at Juice and say "I do." We exchange rings and say our vows as we do. "With this ring, I vow to be a loving wife, Old Lady and mother to our son. I vow to honor you, cherish you and stand by your side during the dark and light times of our lives." I say to Juice. "I vow to be a loving husband, Old Man and father to our son. I vow to honor you, cherish you and stand by your side during the dark and light times of our lives." Juice says to me. We slip the rings on each other's fingers and the JOP says "By the power vested in me by the state of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride." As Juice kisses me softly but deeply, the JOP says "Introducing for the first time, Mr and Mrs Juan Carlos Ortiz." We look out at our family and I don't think I have ever been this happy in my entire life.

Once we share our first kiss as husband and wife, we get the party started. We spend most of the evening cutting the cake and talking to everyone. We have our first dance as husband and wife to the song Perfect by Ed Sheran. "You remember this song?" Juice asks me as we dance. "I do. This was playing the first time you kissed me." I tell him. "That was the night I fell in love with you." He tells me. "Me too." I tell him. After that dance, Dance With My Father Again by Luther Vandross comes on and I dance with my father. "I am so happy for you baby." he says. "Thank you Daddy. For everything. I'm still sorry about taking off like I did. I won't do that again." I tell him. He kisses my temple and says "I love you baby girl." I smile up at him and say "I love you too Daddy."

We go to leave and Gemma says "I'll take Mateo for the night so you can have your wedding night to yourselves." I kiss her cheek and say "Thanks Ma." before kissing Mateo's cheek and telling him "Be good for Grandma." We head to the house and spend our first night as husband and wife. Carrying me across the threshold, he carries me right to our bedroom. Laying me on the bed, we start to shed clothes before he hovers over me. Entering me slowly, he thrusts in and out at a slow and steady pace. "I love you so much." he says as he makes love to me. "I love you Juan Carlos."

The next morning, we head to Gemma's to get Mateo. Walking into her house, she's sitting in the kitchen giving him his bottle. "Hey Ma." I say. "Hey baby. Enjoy your night?" she asks smirking. "Repeatedly." I tell her and she starts laughing. "How was he?" Juice asks. "Perfect as always." she tells us. I walk over and see Mateo looking around like he's looking for something or someone. He sees Juice and starts kicking his legs and flailing his arms, getting excited and I can't help but smile. "Hey bug." Juice says and he pushes the bottle out of his mouth and starts cooing until Juice takes him and finishes feeding him. "He loves his daddy." I say and Juice just smiles.

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