Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The guys pile into the chapel with Quinn and Kozik in tow. "What do we need to know guys?" Quinn asked once they were all at the table. "Sophia took off over a year ago. Found out she was pregnant and thought we would be disappointed in her. Showed up with Mateo, bruised up and telling me this fucker wanted her to get rid of the kid and move in with him and he wasn't letting her have a say. Didn't find out about Juice being the kid's dad or about the kid until she showed up at my door bruised up. While her and Gemma were out shopping today, he walked up to her and spoke to her. This fucker needs to be handled. Koz, you're like a brother to her and so is Hap. Quinn, you're her favorite uncle. Thought the three of us and Juice could handle this fucker and show him just who he fucked with." Tig says. "Hell, yeah. Where do we start?" Quinn asked and the other three nod. Juice speaks up "I have been tracking his phone and his credit cards. Dumb fuck used his credit card to pay for a room at the Charming Inn." Juice said. "Then let's get ready and go." Clay says before ending church.

The guys walk out of the clubhouse and Juice walks over to me. "I need to talk to you." I nod and hand Mateo to Gemma. We head to the dorm and he says "We know where Jake is. We're going after him." he tells me. I move to his lap and he pulls me closer. "I love you Juan." I tell him. "I love you too. You and Bug both." he tells me. "Can I be there?" I ask. He looks at me and I speak again. "Juice, I need him to see that he didn't rattle me. I need him to see that I am standing stronger than ever and that he didn't get away with it." I tell him. He looks at me for a minute and nods. Walking out to the main room I look at Gemma and ask "Can you watch Bug for a bit?" She smirks and says "I got him. Go handle your shit baby so we can finish planning your wedding." she tells me. I kiss her cheek and kiss Mateo's head and whisper "I love you Bug."

Pulling up to the warehouse, I get off of Juice's bike and he gets off behind me. Lacing his fingers with mine, he leads me into the warehouse to see Jake tied to a chair with plastic underneath him. I see Happy, Koz and Quinn pacing around him and you can see he's clearly rattled. My dad walks up and asks "You know who I am?" Jake shakes his head no. "What about me?" Juice walks up and he shakes his head no again. I step forward and ask "What about me?" His eyes go wide and he freezes. "Yeah. You remember me. But what you didn't know is that every man in this room with you, are like brothers and uncles to me. But this man?" I point to my dad. "Is my dad and this man?" I point to Juice "Is my Old Man. Soon to be my husband and is the father of my son that you told me to get rid of." I tell him and his eyes get wider if that was possible. I step closer to him and say "You thought you could force me to do what you wanted. Thought you could make me give up my son. Well, these men are going to have fun with you." I say before walking away.

Two hours later, Juice walks up to me and says "It's done. Let's go get the kid." I kiss him softly and say "Thank you." He looks at me seriously and says "There's nothing I wouldn't do for you and our son." I kiss him one more time before we get on his bike and head to the clubhouse. Walking in, I take Mateo from Gemma and pull him closer and just breathe him in. Juice pulls us closer and whispers "Let's go to bed." We walk into the dorm and I go to put him in the crib we set up in his dorm and he says "Let him sleep with us." I move our sleeping son to the bed and lay down with him and Juice lays on his other side. We lay there for awhile just watching him sleep. "I want more kids." he tells me. "Me too." I say as I look at him smiling.

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