Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

It's Friday and Neeta is watching Mateo. This entire week, Juice has been really affectionate with me, calling me beautiful and been intimate with me as much as possible. It's really been nice. I have on a pair of skinny jeans, a pair of Converse and a form fitting top. I have my hair in a ponytail and my makeup lightly done. I walk out to the living room to head out with Juice and he looks at me and stops in his tracks. "Holy shit Princess." he says. "Do I look okay?" I ask. "You look amazing babe." he says seriously. "Fuck." he says before he walks over and crashes his lips with mine. When we come up for air, he says "We better go. I got money on this fight." he says and I look at him shocked. "What? You think I'm not betting on you? You're a sure thing babe. My sure thing." he says before quickly kissing my lips again. We kiss Mateo goodbye and then said goodbye to Neeta and head out to the bike.

Pulling up to the clubhouse, we get off the bike and walk over to one of the picnic tables where everyone else is. I see Happy standing to the side with the croweater that I am taking to the ring. Juice whispers in my ear "She has no clue." I look at him and smirk. He pulls me closer and wraps both arms around me from behind and his chin on my shoulder. "I love you Princess." he whispers in my ear and I turn in his arms and kiss him softly. He deepens the kiss as he pulls me closer. "It's time Princess." my dad says. I pull away from Juice and ask "Wrap me?" He smiles wide and says "Hell yeah baby." Happy takes the croweater's hands and starts taping them. "What are you doing?" she asks. "You're ass is getting in the ring." he tells her. "No I'm not." she says. "You run your mouth to my kid and talk shit to her, you get taken to the ring." my dad tells her. "Who am I fighting?" she asks. I turn towards he and say "Me." She looks at me with wide eyes and says "Hell no." and starts trying to pull away, Happy grabs her and tells her "You ran your mouth. Not it's time to pay the price." He moves her to the ring and toss her in. I get in the ring with her and the fight begins and all I hear is my husband yelling "Kick her ass Princess."

Once the fight is over and she didn't get a hit in, I get out of the ring while the prospects escort her off the property. Juice takes the wraps off my hands and picks me up over his shoulder and carries me to the dorm we stay in. Locking the door behind us, he tosses me on the bed and hovers over me. "That was hot as hell Princess." he tells me before crashing his lips with mine. We start shedding clothes before he enters me. Thrusting in and out hard and fast as he causes me to find release after release before he finds his inside me. "I love you Princess." he says as he kisses me softly. "I love you more baby. Thank you." I tell him. "For what?" he asks as we get dressed again. "Not giving up on me." I say. "Baby, I will never give up on you." he tells me before he kisses me softly.

We walk back out to the main room and see my dad. "Feel better?" he asks. "I do actually. Beating her ass felt amazing." I tell him and he starts laughing. "How high did the pot get?" I ask. "Didn't. No one wanted to bet against you." he tells me and I just laugh. "You guys had that much faith in me?" I ask. "Hell yeah. You're our Princess." my dad tells me.

After spending a little more time hanging out, we head to the dorm to sleep. Getting to bed I snuggle into his side and kiss him softly. "I love you Juice." I tell him. "I love you too Princess. Don't ever forget that." he tells me. "I won't baby. God, I love you so much." I tell him. "Baby, listen to me. You're mine and I'm yours. Nothing changes that. Nothing will ever make me stray. I don't give a shit what zip code I'm in. You're it for me." he tells me. "You're it for me too Juan Carlos." I tell him and he smirks. "Show me." he whispers. I move to straddle him and pull my top over my head before he sits up and kisses me deeply and makes love to me all night before we fall asleep in each other's arms.

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