Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

It's been a month since I've left Charming and I like my job and have am renting a room from a nice old lady that said she would even watch the baby once I give birth so that I can still work. Sitting at my desk, I look up and see someone looking at me. I look away but he comes over and says "Good morning Sophia." Jake says. "Morning Jake." I say, looking back at my computer. "You wanna get something to eat after work?" he asks. "I appreciate the offer but I don't think that's a good idea." I tell him. "Why not?" he asks. I sigh. "Jake, I just moved here and I need to concentrate on getting things ready for my baby." I tell him. "You're pregnant?" He asks. "Yeah and, no disrespect, but I really don't want to get involved with anyone right now." I tell him. "Yeah. Okay. Congrats I guess." he says. "Thanks." I say as he walks off.

Six months later, I'm sitting at home, on my day off when the contractions start. "Are you okay honey?" Martha asks. "Contractions are starting. They are about twenty minutes apart." I say. I stand up and my water breaks. "Let's get you to the hospital sweetheart." Martha says as she helps me out to her car. Getting to the hospital, ten hours later my son is born and he looks exactly like his father. I look down at my perfect little boy and the tears start to fall but Martha doesn't leave my side, knowing about Juice.

Mateo is three months old and things have changed. Jake kept asking me out and I kept turning him down. I walk out of work to head home and Jake is standing by my car. "Let me take you out." he says. "Jake, I need to concentrate on my son." I tell him. "That's not the right answer Sophia." he says as he pins me to my car. Kissing my lips roughly, I pull away and he grabs my upper arms and slams me against my car. Letting go with one hand, he smacks me hard across the face he says "You belong to me. Now, you need to find a family for that bastard of yours and get your shit packed. I'll be there in the morning to get you and you will move in. You hear me?" he says. I just nod my head and he lets me go. I walk into the house and Martha sees me. "What happened?" she asks. "Jake. He attacked me." I tell her. "Sweetheart you need to report this." she tells me. "His dad is a judge. Won't do any good." I tell her. "Then you need to go somewhere that you and little bug will be safe." she tells me.

I move to my room and pack everything I can into my car and then pack up Mateo's things and hugging her goodbye, I say "Please stay safe and don't let him in." I tell her. "Don't worry about me baby. I'll head to my sister's for a few days so you just call me when you get to where you're going." she says. "I will. I promise." I tell her, hugging her one more time.

I get in the car and start to drive. The only place that I felt totally safe was in Charming. But would my dad take me back? Will Juice hate me? The tears start to fall as I drive closer and closer to Charming. I am so scared of what my dad will say but more scared that Juice will hate me and not want anything to do with Mateo. He doesn't deserve any of this.

Pulling up in front of the house I know so well, I see his bike parked out front. Getting Mateo's carrier out of the car and walking up to the door. Knocking on the door, I take a deep breath before the door opens and I say "Hey Daddy."

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