Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

***Two years later***

"Shit." I say as another contraction hits. "Fuck I don't remember them being this bad with Mateo." I say and Gemma smirks at me. "How far apart are they?" she asks. "About ten minutes now." I tell her and she smiles. About that time, my water breaks. "Thank Fuck." I say and she laughs. "Tara has Mateo and I already gave her his overnight bag. Where's Juice?" I ask. "Juice." Gemma yells and he comes running. "Shit. Is it time?" he asks and I nod as another contraction hits. Gemma gets me in the car and Juice is right there beside me. "I'll be right behind you. Where's Teo?" he asks. "With Tara." I tell him and he nods. Kissing me one more time, we head to the hospital.

Seven hours later, Luisa Marie Ortiz was born and looks just like me but with Juice's smile. A little later, the club comes on and asks "What did you name our little Princess?" Bobby asks. "Luisa Marie." I tell him and they all smile. A little later, Tara brings Teo in and when she puts him on the bed, he says "Wisa?" I nod and say "Yeah baby. This is Luisa." He leans over and kisses her and holds her hand and she lets him.

A few days later we are released from the hospital and I am sitting on the couch, watching Luisa in her swing and Teo playing next to her and when she drops her pacifier, he picks it up and says "I dot it." before putting it back in her mouth. "He's such a good big brother." I tell Juice. "He is." he tells me. I look at our kids and say "We finally have our little family." Juice kisses me and says. "That we do baby. That we do."

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