Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

After getting Mateo to sleep in his bassinet, he sits on the bed while I am in the shower. I get out and walk into the bedroom and see him just watching Mateo. Standing at the bathroom door, I look at him. "He's perfect." Juice says. "He is." I say softly. He looks up at me and says "Come here." I walk over and he pulls me to straddle him. "I missed you." he says as he cups my face. I feel a tear fall and he wipes it away. "Why are you crying baby?" he asks. "I was so scared you'd hate me for not telling you about him." I say. "I could never hate you. I hate that I wasn't there for you but, Princess, I could never hate you." he says. He kisses my lips softly and I say "I missed you so much, Juan. I cried for you. When I had him, I sat in the hospital bed, holding him, wishing you were there with me." I tell him. "Baby, it's okay. I'm here now." He tells me. I look into his eyes and next thing I know, I crash my lips with his and he picks me up and carries me into the bathroom so not to wake Mateo up.

Once inside the bathroom, he puts me to stand and we start shedding clothes. Once undressed, he puts me on the counter and kisses me hard. Placing his hard cock at my wet entrance, sliding the head up and down my wet folds making me moan into the kiss before he enters me slowly. We both groan at the sensation that we both missed. Thrusting in and out slowly at first, I moan "Harder Juice. Please." I beg. He speeds up and starts to fuck me hard and fast and before I know it, I feel myself fall apart around him and he follows right behind me. Putting his forehead against mine, he says "I fucking love you." I feel the tears falling again and say "I love you too Juan Carlos."

We get dressed for bed and climb in together. Laying, facing the bassinet, he lays behind me and pulls me to him. I feel him kiss my neck and I snuggle back into him. "I really am sorry Juice. I'm so sorry." I say as I start to sob, all of the stress finally finding its way out. He pulls me to turn facing him and just holds me while I sob. He rubs my back and I hear him whisper "It's okay baby. I got you. You're here now. We're together now." he tells me. I look up at him and he says "I love you. I won't let you go again." I kiss his lips softly and he deepens the kiss. Pulling back, we look at each other and Mateo starts whimpering. "I got him." he says. He gets out of bed and puts his and on Mateo's stomach and says "It's okay little bug. Daddy's here." and Mateo immediately quietens down and Juice smiles. "He loves his daddy already." I tell him. He walks back over to the bed and climbs in beside me. Pulling me to him, he says "Thank you." I look at him and he says "For my son. For coming home." I look at him and before I can say anything, he says "I would have been happy about him. I would have been there." he tells me. I kiss his lips and say "I am so sorry." He look at me and says "Stop that. You're here now. You're here with me now. I have my family. I will do everything I can for you and our son. But I need to know you want this. You want to be a family." he says. "I want this more than anything, Juan. I really want this." I tell him as more tears fall. "Good because I plan on giving you my crow and making you my wife because our son has my last name, you should too." he says. I kiss him deeply as he pulls me as close as he can get me.

The next morning, we wake up and the first thing Juice does is move to check on Mateo. "He usually doesn't wake up for another hour." I tell him. "He's a good baby isn't he?" he asks. "Yeah he is. The best." I say. "Did you mean what you said last night?" I asked. "About giving you my crow and making you my wife?" he asks and I nod. He walks over to me and pulls me to him and says "I meant every fucking word." he says. I look into his eyes and say "Then I better start breakfast for my Old Man." He smiles wide and about that time, Mateo starts crying. "I'll get him changed." Juice says. "I'll have his bottle ready." I say. Kissing me softly, I watch as he picks up our son. "Hey little bug. Daddy's got you." he says and Mateo stops crying and just looks at Juice smiling and I can't help but think that maybe things will be okay.

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