Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The next evening, we walk up to Gemma's door and walk inside the house, me carrying the cake I made and him carrying Mateo's carrier. As soon as I take the cake into the kitchen, Juice is behind me holding Mateo and Gemma dries her hands and says "Give me my grandson." Juice hands Mateo to her and I say "I told you." She looks at me confused and I said "I told him you only wanted to see your grandson." She laughs and says "Well, it ain't a lie." She loves on him a minute before telling the croweaters to keep working. She walks into the living room with us and is still holding our son when Juice takes a seat on the couch and pulls me into his lap. Gemma walks over to my dad and hands Mateo to him before heading back to the kitchen to finish dinner. While we are all sitting at the table eating, Gemma is holding the baby and I can't help but smile. I see one of the croweaters standing near the kitchen door and she's watching Juice. I lean over and ask "Something I should know?" He looks over at her and I see him glare at her and I realize he's not telling me something. "Excuse me." I say as I stand up and walk out the front door to get some air. A couple of minutes later, my dad follows me out. "What's wrong?" he asks. "One of the croweaters watching Juice and when he saw her looking he glared at her but he's not telling me what's going on." I tell him. "Talk to your Old Man. I'm sure it's nothing." he says.

We walk back inside and I see he's not at the table. I head to the kitchen and see him and her off to the side and she's trying to push up on him and he looks like he's scolding her. I walk over and ask "What's going on?" She looks at me and smirks and when I look at him he's pissed. "You fucking her?" I ask. "No. We were hooking up before you came back but not since you've been back but apparently she's not getting the message." he tells me. I look at him and he turns to me and crashes his lips into mine. When we separate, I look at her and say "He's got an Old Lady now. He's off limits." I tell her. "I don't give a shit. Sweetheart, he was coming to me before you got here. He'll be coming to me after you leave again." she tells me. I get in her face and say "Well, good thing I ain't leaving again, huh?" I say. "Why the hell would he want your fat ass when he can have me?" she asks. I have my hands balled into fists and see that Juice isn't doing anything to shut her up. "You know what? Fuck it." I grab the whore by her hair and pull her out the back door. Tossing her to the ground, I tell her "My Old Man is off fucking limits. You come near him again and I'll slit your goddamned throat. Now, get out." I tell her. She stands and says "He doesn't want me to leave, do you Juicy?" she asks. "I want you gone. No one fucking wants you." he tells her. "You wanted my pussy the other day didn't you?" she asks. I look at him and he says "I don't know what she's talking about." I turn back to her and instead of saying anything, I tackle her. Punching her in the face and ribs. Standing back up I start kicking her in the ribs and put my foot down on her throat. "You come near me or my husband again and I'll fucking kill you." I tell her. I turn to look at Juice and he tries to grab me and I say "Don't." I walk past him and into the house. "Gemma, can you keep Bug tonight?" I ask. "Yeah baby. I got him." she says. I head to my car and before I get there, Juice pins me to the car. "I never touched her. Never tried to. I've not touched her since before you came back. I swear Princess." he says. I look at him for a minute before I look and see my dad nodding that he's telling the truth. I look back at Juice and say "I find out you're lying, so help me God..." I say before he cuts me off with a kiss. Pulling away he says "I'd never do that to you. I promise." He pulls me to him and I start to calm down a little. But it made me realize how easy it would be for him to cheat. I love him but now that worry is in the back of my mind.

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